The MNGOP State Central Committee meeting, taking place tomorrow (Saturday, December 14th) which will hold elections for party officer races including Chair, Deputy Chair, and Secretary. Action 4 Liberty has been at the forefront of reporting the corruption of the MNGOP and this has extended from exposing RINO party officer candidates to a Nominations Committee (NomCom) that appears to be doing failed Chair David Hann’s bidding. In essence, a NomCom is a group of party insiders who often think they know better than the average delegate and have the power to deem candidates “Qualified”, “Qualified with Reservations”, and “Unqualified”.
As we previously reported, Aaron Farris is an establishment puppet who was likely selected as Chair of the NomCom because he has proven that has zero principles and will do as he is told. His shameful reign as CD1 Chair includes the ousting of Patriot Wendy Phillips from her State Exec. Committee role because she provided herself as a neutral chair for Otter Tail’s 2024 BPOU Convention. As Hann’s CD1 do-boy, Farris forced her out; Interestingly, Deputy Chair candidate Kip Chrisitanson was a “Sergeant at Arms” at that meeting and helped kick out Wendy’s supporters.
Now, rumors are speculating about how the NomCom will tilt the scale to help RINO David Hann maintain a position he has been a disaster at. Unconfirmed rumors say that Hann will be found “Qualified”, Mike Murphy and Alex Plechash will be found “Qualified with Reservations”, and Bret Bussman will be found “Disqualified” (a power the NomCom does not have) which means he would not have the right to speak at the Convention and compete for Chair.
Bret Bussman had 42 signatures from State Central delegates in support of his campaign (needed 30) and completed all necessary paperwork in order to run but was stalled after Aaron Farris’ panties got tied in a knot over Bussman’s previous failure to turn in a cable tv box in 1984, which Aaron and the anti-liberty MNGOP lawyer Reid LeBeau somehow confused as a felony! As a result, Bussman’s interview with the NomCom was cancelled but was eventually held. In an email Aaron sent on December 8th, he seems to indicate that an “inappropriate breach” of personal information was sent to A4L. See below:
In an unexpected turn of events, Aaron Farris became the leaker himself! Aaron Farris, seemingly without the knowledge or consent of Bret Bussman, released the entire audio of Bussman’s NomCom interview on the CD1 GOP Youtube channel! Could Aaron be any more of a hypocrite? He is the reason that the names of the NomCom are publicly available, not Action 4 Liberty! See his email from yesterday (12/12/24 6:04PM) that leaked the audio below:
CD4 Chair Michelle Manke sounded wound up and emotional on the call as she nagged on about her distaste of Action 4 Liberty and how she was “PISSED” about information leaking! Manke should blame Aaron Farris for her tantrum being available publicly! She attempted to chastise Bussman for appearing on The Truth Hurts, even stating she would not do so herself, to which he stated that he would go on any program that allows him to push the Republican platform. Manke went on to claim that A4L blows everything out of proportion and spreads lies while providing zero examples. Action 4 Liberty exists because of RINOs and failed “leaders” like Manke who prefer social club politics over spearheading battles for liberty.
Aaron exposed the NomCom as the biased insiders some of them clearly are by releasing this full audio tape. Lukas Severson asked Bussman if he had volunteered at the A4L State Fair booth in 2022, as if helping a popular, anti-Tim Walz booth would be a bad thing! Obvious bias could also be found when Vicki Ernst asked Bret, in a desperate attempt to vilify the 1984 cable tv box debacle, if he had ever been charged with a crime or if he had been arrested in simple yes or no answers so that he couldn’t explain it. Of course she almost certainly was already aware of the circumstances and in turn looked petty and under-handed.
The tone and attitude of several NomCom members made it extremely clear that this was not a group of unbiased and neutral actors, instead it is a group of individuals with strong opinions and their own self-interests in the qualification status of party officer candidates.
One point of contention in the interview was between Bussman and Farris on whether Bret’s failure to disclose the cable tv box story on purpose or if done unintentionally. Bret contends in the interview that it was completely accidental. Farris alludes to some taped audio he has of Bret, suggesting that Bret stated on a previous call that he did not think the crime was relevant. This audio was never played and Bret stood by his claim that this was not intentionally left off of his application.
A point of interest for Action 4 Liberty was when Bussman distanced himself from A4L and stated that he had a conversation with A4L President Erik Mortensen about not being so much of a bomb-thrower and some stylistic concerns however Mortensen denies these conversations took place. Unfortunately for Bret, the only way to win in politics is to fight and this released audio makes that perfectly clear. We demand high expectations out of leaders and that will stand regardless of who wins on Saturday.
Action 4 Liberty is the leader for the conservative grassroots in the modern information war. While the Establishment exposes themselves as frauds with Aaron’s release of this audio, Action 4 Liberty will continue to stand where we’ve always stood. In case that isn’t clear, see a recent social media post of our’s that encapsulates this idea perfectly. See below:
In another strange update to provide you with is an email coming from DWI adulterer and left wing propagandist Michael Brodkorb who has endorsed Alex Plechash for MNGOP Chair. Two main theories emerge: 1. Brodkorb is attempting to trick delegates since his endorsement has a negative effect, making delegates believe Hann is more MAGA than Plechash or 2. Brodkorb actually prefers Plechash (which is not entirely unreasonable considering Plechash's anti-MAGA past). While some rumors connect Brodkorb to the MNGOP's mystery recipient of tens of thousands of dollars called 1972-10, it would seem obvious that his choice would be Hann. Of course, Brodkorb is savvy enough to know that attaching Kamala onto Plechash will hurt him but his intended confusion signifies the issues with current leadership options between Hann and Plechash. This could very well be a dirty attempt by Hann to muddy up the waters at the last minute. See email below:
Also, RNC Chair Michael Whatley has decided to endorse David Hann for reelection, proving that he may end up being no better than Ronna Romney McDaniel. Whatley also endorsed Plechash for RNC Committeeman over AK Kamara, proving that the RNC still favors establishment incumbents over new voices. Whatley has just made himself a major opponent of the liberty movement in Minnesota and it will not be forgotten. See endorsement below:
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