Climate Cultists Fighting to Shut Down Minneapolis Trash to Energy Incinerator; Energy Prices will SOAR + New Garbage Problem

NOTE - Despite climate cultists demanding this garbage incinerator be removed, Joe Biden would likely prefer that all supporters of President Trump’s campaign be thrown in since we are all “garbage” to him. Meanwhile, President Trump met with blue-collar, common-man garbage men (waste collectors) in Wisconsin!

Minnesota has become a breeding ground for all of the idiotic, careless, anti-common sense, and expensive ideas that are doomed for failure from the start! We have corrupt Democrats who are held captive by the agenda that they helped incite! Hypocritical private jet flying politicians have misguided some well intentioned Americans into believing that human mortality is on the line in the near future based on the small amount of carbon a given individual emits into the atmosphere. This propaganda leaves out the incredible hypocrisies surrounding natural carbon emission, allowing the building of (and bombing of) the Nord Stream pipeline from Russia to Germany, the amount of carbon emission from war (the largest producer of greenhouse gas emission), and the development of oil and coal production China (with owning most materials for solar panels and electric vehicles in the world and producing the most by far) to mention a few. 

The climate cult is alive and well in Minnesota thanks to failed politicians like Tim Walz. Walz signed a bill mandating that Minnesota be “carbon-neutral” by 2040 which is more authoritarian that Walz’ favorite country, Communist China, which mandates this by 2060. Globalists and other tyrants who favor big government control over their citizenry are the very individuals funding and supporting the “global warming” hoax yet many leftists are falling for it and falling right into their evil plans.

Radical leftists are now demanding that the Hennepin Energy Recovery Center (HERC) down the road from the Fillmore Theatre and the Twins Target Stadium be SHUT DOWN! HERC was established in 1989 and the concept of the trash to energy conversion was based on other energy plants in the Capitals of Norway and Sweden that allows clean energy conversion in densely populated areas. HERC provides energy for roughly 25,000 Minneapolis residents and provides heating/cooling to businesses and Target Stadium (and powers heated sidewalks near Target Stadium during winter). HERC also reduces Hennepin waste volume by nearly 90% and recovers nearly 11,000 tons of scrap metal each year. HERC has extreme value due to the fact that Hennepin County has ZERO active landfills. See a graphic below created by Hennepin County on how HERC works:

HERC has a pollution control system built into much of their equipment with controlled high temperature combustion to neutralize or filter out potential carbon emissions which is detailed in this video. In fact, HERC produces less greenhouse gas emissions by burning trash than that same trash would at a landfill because the trash can develop flammable and deadly methane gas due to the time length and unsanitary nature. This all means that trash to energy incinerators reduce costs for energy and is more environmentally clean than other alternatives. With the money that HERC makes from Xcel Energy, HERC contributed 73% of all state funding for natural resource and forestry programs in 2023! Why would environmentalists want to shut down something that gives so much back? See the HERC report (page 36) graphic below:

Aside from removing toxic trash and contributing collected money to environmental efforts, it is never enough for deranged climate cultists who believe the earth will end in five years. 

The coming energy blackouts and government mandated energy reduction may cause irreparable harm to Minnesota. Energy blackouts in the middle of winter will kill. Take further into consideration that the Left has become obsessed with electric vehicles (with some exception to Tesla); The only issue is that EVs require MORE electricity to power these cars which will increase human electrical use! When power outages take place you will not even be able to drive your way out of Minnesota! Xcel Energy will lose a major client and will be forced to get energy with systems that have less return on investment for higher rates, unfortunately, Xcel Energy is a willing participant in the “global warming” hoax as the corporation was a proud supporter of Walz’ 2040 energy mandate because they are likely the only corporation large enough to survive the regulatory Hell coming their way! In addition, Xcel runs the only two nuclear plants allowed in MN (giving them a layered monopoly) which produces 21% of their energy. Xcel is squeezing out competitors and has an unfair advantage in the market thanks to their political donations and lobbying. 

The Hennepin County Commissioners are also to blame for the climate cultists demanding the removal of HERC because they passed a resolution (23-0384 R1) that mandated HERC’s closure between 2028 and 2040. The large time window is some proof that the Commissioners are aware of the massive impact that would take place if HERC was removed. If it were removed, the Globalist takeover of energy in MN would be well on its way to take away the heating and energy for tons of Minnesotans.

Considering that wind and solar cannot meet energy production levels needed, environmentalists can look in a few other directions. Nuclear energy is typically a popular idea among liberty lovers, perhaps due to Patriots unknowingly supporting the monopolistic nuclear white coats. Nuclear energy is considered unsafe by many energy experts and is infamously known for its deadly and disastrous consequences with the Chernobyl Disaster in 1986 and the Fukushima Disaster in 2011. These incidents alone do not give reason to be opposed to nuclear energy however the International Atomic Energy Agency and United Nations Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) recognize the fact that nuclear energy production can lead to nuclear weapon development. 191 nations are signed onto the treaty while four countries with nuclear arms refuse to sign on (Israel, India, North Korea, and Pakistan). Nuclear energy facilities and technologies used in the enrichment and reprocessing of nuclear fuel can also be used to produce fissile material to use for nuclear weapons. Human mismanagement has even led to nuclear waste particles being found in children’s playground equipment. The embrace of utopia beliefs on nuclear energy is dangerous rhetoric that even reached the GOP Presidential primary from candidate Vivek Ramaswamy with his constant calls to shut down the Nuclear Regulatory Committee. As mentioned, Xcel has a monopoly on nuclear energy in Minnesota and that does not appear to be changing anytime soon. There is far too much risk to allow a mega-corporation succumbing to Globalist demands to be the only nuclear power creator in Minnesota. 

Environmentalists would be better off considering clean hydroelectric energy created with dams. Walz signed HF7 (2040 carbon mandate) which refused to recognize hydroelectric energy as “carbon neutral”, proving that liberals are unserious about energy and the environment. All this aside, waste to energy facilities like HERC have been very beneficial across the state as there are ten operating plants currently. Nobody wants their local landfill to reach capacity, trash MUST be dealt with. Why not make energy out of it and use the money for forestry projects? It would seem like the environmentally friendly thing to do!

With all of this said, the question still remains: What do these libtards want to do with garbage? What about the HERC facility? There will be a massive trash problem in Hennepin County where they will have to look to other counties to take massive loads of trash into their landfills… As for the climate cult, one of the leading groups to shut down HERC is called Zero Burn Coalition and they have no specific plans for what to do with the trash other than a laughable recycling center concept and letting the “frontline communities” decide what happens next with the HERC facility. The Minneapolis City Council unanimously passed a Resolution on Thursday (10/31/24) that demands Hennepin County shut it down. The City Council and Zero Burn Coalition allege that HERC is racist because it disproportionately affects black people, as if people can’t choose to move. The City Council also had no serious plans for redevelopment or what to do with the trash. The Hennepin County Commissioners only plan seems to be using landfills in other counties as indicated in their Reinvent Hennepin County’s solid waste system Plan. Additionally in that report you will find no actual repurposing idea or concept for the HERC facility. Will they bury it? Throw it in our lakes? Nobody knows!

The climate cultists are leading Minnesota to a point of no return. The childlike, irrational fears of global warming cannot be allowed to control our lives. The Left is not presenting serious solutions to undeniable, forever incurring issues such as trash. The HERC is turning garbage into energy while the Democrats call half of the country trash. It couldn’t be clearer what is up and what is down in this scenario.

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  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2024-11-01 21:50:48 -0500