Many Minnesotans were amazed that state Senator Nicole Mitchell refused to resign after she was caught inside of her widowed stepmother’s home, seemingly to steal some of her belongings around 4:45AM. Mitchell even admitted to police that she is “not good at this” as she was arrested for burglary/home invasion.
State Senate Democrats, especially Bobby Joe Champion (and former GOP leader Jeremy Miller), covered up for Mitchell and refused to hold her accountable. Democrats knew that their 34-33 majority was about to come crashing down so they kept her around to continue passing bills by a single vote margin. Mitchell was obligated to appear before the Senate Subcommittee on Ethical Conduct, which had a publicly available section, but a closed-door, secretive meeting continued to push the decision back. The audio for the closed-door meeting is supposed to be publicly available but was not given upon request. Champion made a motion in the public meeting to return to the subject as a committee on June 12th which passed by a 3-1 vote (Favor: Champion, Kunesh, Miller. Opposed: Matthews). At the June 12th meeting, all four hemmed and hawed over all the time they were going to spend on vacations before agreeing to meet again on July 25th. That meeting NEVER took place and no meeting has taken place since June 12th.
We exposed the corruption as it went on, door-knocked in her district, and even put up these signs! Senator Nathan Wesenberg certainly liked it! See below:
While so-called leaders in the MNGOP have let this slide and have allowed this INSANE story to fall out of the public psyche, a local GOP candidate for state house has other plans! See below:
Dwight Dorau is the GOP nominee for House District 47B and was also the nominee against Nicole Mitchell for Senate in 2022! If only voters knew then what they know now!
Dorau is a veteran of the US Air Force and is currently a junior ROTC instructor in St. Paul. He is running against incumbent Democrat Ethan Cha who refused to call on Mitchell to resign and has voted for every single radical Democrat bill since being in the Legislature. Cha is simply another cog in the Democrat machine who is loyal to the party bosses, not his constituents.
Voters must be conscious of the people they vote in and the tactics of Dorau may prove to be beneficial! While this seat is favored by Dems to win, local issues can change local races so you can never say never!
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