The MNGOP’s leadership ranks has been filled with anti-MAGA, Never-Trumpers for years despite the grassroots Republican base being firmly in line with President Trump’s vision. President Trump’s White House victory has cemented the MAGA agenda into the Republican Party’s branding and doings. While MNGOP Chair RINO David Hann has awkwardly and desperately tried to blend in with MAGA, conservatives are good at sniffing out a phony. Hann has only pretended to embrace Trump because he HAS TO in order to retain power otherwise he would be completely exposed.
Minnesota’s RNC Committeeman, AK Kamara, was elected by the MNGOP State Central Committee in May this year to the RNC post and beat incumbent Alex Plechash after Plechash backstabbed Otter Tail County delegates. AK Kamara posted a video on X yesterday declaring that now is a “time for reckoning” for Never-Trumpers. The post and video can be seen here.
While highlighting that Trump has the broadest appeal of voters as a Republican since President Abraham Lincoln, Kamara states “If you still think you can be a Republican that doesn’t support Trump [...] then you aren’t a Republican. Just admit it, you are either an Independent or a Democrat.” This common sense may upset some RINOs who hate Trump’s guts or fight his agenda in secret! It is not debatable that Trump is the standard bearer of the Republican Party but big government, weak-kneed, bipartisanship worshiping, Globalist neocons occupy much of the GOP apparatus. If AK wants to root these RINOs out he will have to look at the other MNGOP “leaders” around him.
Chair David Hann has been a longtime opponent of President Trump and was publicly snubbing him as recently as 2022. He did not want Trump to visit in 2022 even though Trump could have energized the base to get out and vote. Hann was the co-chair for RINO Carly Fiorina’s 2016 primary campaign and ran for MNGOP Chair in 2017. He called Trump rude, obnoxious, abusive, and other awful things (which has been weaponized by the MN Dems). Even after Trump secured victory and began implementing the America First agenda, Hann told leftist propagandists MPR in 2017 the following: “We are not the party of Trump. We are not the Trumpian party. We are the Republican Party," Hann said. "He is our president. He is carrying the flag in that office.” Hann has continued to say that the MNGOP is not the party of Trump up to as recent as 2021. In 2021, Hann also said he was “not a Trump guy” to the disgraced, phony Republican Michael Brodkorb. Hann has led the party in a way that has disenfranchised the grassroots and refuses to abide by their will. Hann was even recently called out by 2024 MNGOP Senate nominee Royce White, see our reporting on that here. Hann and the MNGOP were completely silent on the witch-hunts against President Trump and no action was taken until the author of this article proposed and helped pass a resolution at a State Central meeting declaring the MNGOP's opposition to the politically motivated indictments. Hann never once mentioned this resolution publicly and refused to say whether he supported it or not in private conversation with the author.
As mentioned previously, Michael Brodkorb is a perfect example of a phony who uses the Republican label like a con-man when he is truly in bed with the Democrats. Brodkorb’s lack of conservative, moral principles were on public display with his DWI (which he plead guilty to) and his extramarital affair with Senate Majority Leader Amy Koch while he was a Senate staffer. With a tarnished record, Brodkorb saw his only redemption path through the Democrats by becoming their mouthpiece. Despite being an obvious left-wing attack dog and not a real journalist, RINOs like David Hann continue to feed him intel, appear on his shows, and give him credibility since he has none with regular people. Hann even is a co-sponsor with Democrat Chair Ken Martin of a campaign for “civility” so Republicans can be polite while the Dems screw us over. Tactically, Hann is constantly ceding to the Left’s terms and is never gaining ground for conservatives.
RNC Committeeman AK Kamara states in the video that he was a Never-Trumper in 2016 and explains how there is room for grace and understanding for people to figure things out. After Trump’s 2016 victory all good faith, conservative, Never-Trumpers (like Vice President-elect J.D. Vance) jumped on board the Trump Train after seeing that the media lied about who he really is. As mentioned above, the same cannot be said about RINO David Hann. Even party officer Rep. Walter Hudson (30A) wrote a piece in 2016 calling Trump a fascist, however, Hudson has since changed his tune. In 2023, only Senator Wesenberg (SD10) and Rep. Ben Davis (6A) endorsed Trump meaningfully; Emmer and the RINO Congress crew endorsed Trump all on the same day after Trump crushed Haley in her own home state and it became clear that they had to grift behind MAGA to survive. All other state legislators either supported “bird brain” Nikki Haley (Kristin Robbins HD37A and Sen. Julia Coleman SD48), Ron DeSantis (Walter Hudson HD30A and Elliott Engen HD36A), or were completely silent and kept their constituents in the dark (likely a Nikki Haley voter).
The MNGOP will be electing a new Chair, Deputy Chair, and Secretary at it’s upcoming State Central meeting on December 14th. David Hann has not made it clear that he will run for re-election. The “time for reckoning” as said by AK Kamara may come through if delegates are savvy to the leaders they select. Republican delegates may finally decide that it is time for a MAGA Chair for the MAGA Party.
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