(Pictured: MNGOP Chair David Hann on the left, and MNGOP Deputy Chair Donna Bergstrom on the right)
Corrupt MNGOP Chair David Hann unilaterally threw out all delegates in Otter Tail County last week, disenfranchising the voice of hundreds of grassroots, conservative activists. When we learned of this tyrannical style move, we sprung into action and were able to get members of the 15 person State Executive Committee to call an emergency meeting. That meeting occurred last night at 8:15 pm at the MNGOP headquarters in Edina, MN.
The meeting began on a bad note. Several activists attended the meeting, including our own President Erik Mortensen, who had an interesting encounter with Hann in the parking lot beforehand. Congressional District 6 Chair Bobby Benson made a motion to take the meeting into an executive session and kick out the public. Benson is the State Chief of Staff for Globalist RINO Tom Emmer; a job that pays him a $130,000 salary from taxpayers. His motion passed and despite state central delegates being in attendance, they were not allowed to stay and observe the meeting.
Our sources tell us that Hann's objective in the meeting last night was to talk the issues of the night to death so no vote would occur. Hann wanted a filibuster on important issues to the grassroots.
However, he was delivered a blow on the issue dealing with House District 57A. We wrote about the illegitimate endorsing convention that RINO Rep Jon Konznick claimed gave him the Republican endorsement last Saturday. Turns out, 7-5 members of State Executive agreed that Congressional District 2 Chairman Joe Ditto properly called a March 16th convention, and the illegitimate convention will not be recognized.
This decision is a big deal because it confirms that Koznik and the HRCC have been fraudulently staking claim to an endorsement that never actually occurred.
Following the vote on 57A, Congressional District 4 Rep Mark Bishofsky made a motion to reinstate all Otter Tail County delegates. That led to a lengthy discussion amongst the Executive Committee. Hann reiterated that he had the authority to remove delegates (he does not). It became clear that members of the State Executive committee did not want to vote NO after receiving hundreds of phone calls, texts and emails yesterday from activists all across the state of Minnesota. They did not want to go against the will of the people. Pressure works!
The meeting went into the early hours of the morning, with an amended motion being introduced around 1:30 AM to form a special committee that will go through the Otter Tail County paperwork to determine who was elected delegate. This is a victory for the grassroots and a HUGE blow to Corrupt MNGOP Chair David Hann, who preferred that his unilateral decision to remove ALL delegates stand.
We're not in the clear just yet. There will certainly be efforts by David Hann and his cronies to derail the committee process. So Action 4 Liberty will work with conservatives in Otter Tail County to ensure a fair and rule following process is conducted.
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