New Edu. Finance Cmte. Chair RINO Ron Kresha Must Push School Choice over Dem Agenda & Spending Hikes

RINO Ron Kresha (10A) is a career politician and phony conservative who is only in office because the HRCC spent tens of thousands of dollars on his campaign’s behalf despite Kresha not winning his local GOP endorsement. Despite the establishment machine backing Kresha, Aitkin Co. Patriot and A4L’s winner of the Dennis L Wolfe Award for the 2024 Top Activist Diane Webb-Skillings came within 35 votes of winning the primary in this deep red district. 

Kresha has a big government, liberal voting record that includes a bill (HF2409) to give $5M to lawyers for them to represent illegal immigrants & keep them here, voted for a resolution (HR1) that condemned J6 protestors, and has a pathetic lifetime score of 52% on the A4L Scorecards! Kresha also sent a mailer falsely claiming to be endorsed by the GOP and touted an endorsement from pro-abortion union bosses!

Since there is clear conservative grassroots energy in Kresha’s district to replace him, establishment Republicans are looking to tamp down on that by giving him a Committee Chairmanship. See Kresha's press release announcing this here. A4L sees this as a perfect opportunity to force Ron Kresha to push for school choice and to fight back against the radical Democrat agenda & spending hikes.

Action 4 Liberty and our supporters see school choice as a KEY liberty issue that we will focus on during this legislative session. With the current GOP state House Majority, we will hold politicians’ feet to the fire to make sure parents have the ultimate say in their child’s education. 

Public education has become dominated by the woke mafia and must be combatted head on by conservatives. Parents across Minnesota must be activated to restore parental freedom and eliminate tyrannical government. Action 4 Liberty will be here to chart the course.

A4L will continue to keep Patriots up to date with the latest news in Minnesota. An informed Army of liberty lovers is what the Establishment fears most!

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  • Action 4 Liberty
    published this page in News 2025-01-13 11:51:20 -0600