Public Recount to take Place Following Discovery of Massive Election Issues in Closest State House Race in MN

Election fraud is top of mind for many voters because if you cannot trust that your vote is being counted, We The People no longer have control over our government. Minnesota has become a hotbed for election issues for a variety of reasons including our state’s top election official, SOS Steve Simon, who has advocated and implemented a number of policies that make elections less safe, secure, and trustworthy.

We now see issues mounting in House District 54A which is currently represented by radical leftist Brad Tabke. This critical race could flip the State House into GOP control with the current margins as 67-67. Current results state that Tabke is up by 14 votes against GOP opponent Aaron Paul. We previously reported on this race and 14B between DWI Democrat incumbent Dan Wolgamott and GOP challenger Sue Eck (191 vote margin) which can be read here. A massive issue now puts the entire election into question in District 54A because 21 ballots have apparently gone missing!

Due to the 14 vote lead Tabke has on Paul, 21 missing votes is a MASSIVE issue! The fact is that two precincts have missing absentee ballots in District 54A: Shakopee Precinct 10 and Shakopee Precinct 12A. Precinct 10 has 20 of the 21 ballots that are missing and Precinct 12A had the other missing ballot. See disaffected precincts below:

According to the SOS election result reporting, Tabke leads Paul in both disaffected precincts. Scott County says the rescan of ballots that they conducted on November 8th did not uncover these missing 21 ballots and are working with the city of Shakopee to discover the issue. The explanation Scott County elections administrator Julie Hanson told Alpha News was that the county “has not determined if the ballots cannot be located or if the record was added and the person did not vote”. She then suggested that a voter might have changed their mind or left without voting. She also told Fox 9 that Precinct 10 had 329 people check in to vote absentee but they only got 309 ballots. 

Aside from outright fraud, another couple of possibilities could be a voter who filled out an absentee ballot but left the 54A race blank or a voter who turned in an absentee ballot but then told the county that they did not want it counted before it was processed. However, it would be odd for this misreporting or missing ballots to occur mostly in a single precinct! Because Scott County is floating the possibility of ballots being missing, it gives the argument more legs because if they could rule it out immediately based on tech or reporting information, they certainly would.

The good news is that it is not too late because a PUBLIC hand recount will be taking place this Thursday (November 21st) at 8:30 AM in rooms 166 and 167 of the Scott County Government Center. In addition, Scott County will be conducting a PUBLIC had recount of four randomly selected precincts in the same location at 9AM tomorrow, Tuesday (November 19th). See the official Scott County press release on this information below:

It does not appear that Scott County will release the names of the disaffected voters associated with the absentee ballot records, if they are even known. Perhaps someone (MNGOP/HRCC) could use the absentee ballot request data list from the SOS office and contact the individuals who voted via absentee in these two precincts. With that information, they could get signed affidavits from the listed individuals stating that they turned in a ballot and/or voted for the Republican nominee. They cannot give in until this election issue is cleared up.

If the House Republicans wanted to play hardball from the JUMP, they could use their leverage as an equal majority chamber to fight the certification of House District 54A’s election results. While the certification of election results from the State Canvassing Board has typically been a mundane, routine, noncontroversial, boot-licking ceremony, it may not be that way if House GOP Leader Lisa Demuth and newly elected Vice Chair Harry Niska take this battle on. With many unanswered questions and electoral skepticism, it would be for the best if 54A held a new special election so voters can ensure that their votes were counted. There is legitimate reason to question whether Brad Tabke should be duly-recognized as 54A Representative if the public recount does not deliver the answers Scott County voters are looking for.

Action 4 Liberty encourages all Patriots to be engaged in local elections and participate in County canvassing meetings where election results are certified. Your presence makes an impact and prevents wrong-doing. The battle for election integrity is an issue that requires constant effort and attention. Clean elections are required to save Minnesota and the 54A race is a key example of why that is!

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  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2024-11-18 15:19:20 -0600