Radical Left Union Bosses Endorse RINO Ron Kresha, Kamala, Ilhan, & Finke; Still No GOP Endorsement for Ron

Out of touch RINOs like Ron Kresha (10A) do not truly serve their constituents, instead, they serve their donors and the party leadership. 

RINO Ron Kresha is a big government, career politician who was challenged by Aitkin County Patriot Diane Webb-Skillings for the GOP endorsement. After Diane defied the odds and blocked Kresha from receiving the Republican endorsement, the two went on to have the closest legislative primary in the entire state. 35 votes separated Kresha from Diane, meaning that 18 voters would’ve made the difference.

Kresha was only able to win the primary because the corrupt House Republican Campaign Committee (HRCC) spent over $16K in support of him and because he sent out a mailer (and seemingly continued to use after Kresha “self-reported” himself) that falsely claimed that he was endorsed by the party

Kresha has still not received the GOP endorsement in 10A but is now touting a left wing, covid vax mandating, pro-baby killing healthcare union! See below:

While Ron is showing off this radical left endorsement from the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Healthcare MN & IA, they are yet to include him on their public endorsement list! However, ONLY Democrats can be found listed on their endorsement page! Ron Kresha appears to be in like-minded company! See below:

RINO Ron is perhaps the furthest left “Republican” in the Legislature but remains in office despite representing one of the reddest districts in the state. It is clear why his own constituents refuse to endorse his campaign but leftist union bosses flock to support him! See more of his crooked, left-wing record below:

Patriots in 10A and across our state are waking up to the corruption of the establishment within BOTH the Democrats and Republicans. Action 4 Liberty will continue exposing the truth regardless of the party or politician we offend!

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  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2024-09-30 19:59:04 -0500