Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has made an unprecedented move to endorse President Donald J. Trump and end his candidacy in swing states. RFK Jr. shared the stage with Trump in Arizona and gave an independent press conference to further elaborate on his decision.
RFK Jr. entered the Arizona Trump rally with thousands cheering and fireworks popping off. He gave a speech that highlighted their areas of agreement which received thunderous applause; Especially concerning Trump’s willingness to release the entire JFK files to the public and open a Presidential Commission on assassination attempts, the elimination of the neocon deep state, getting poisonous products out of mass produced food, ending the forever wars, and eliminating the corrupt ties between corporations and bureaucratic agencies.
RFK Jr. has long been loved by many free-thinking Patriots for taking non-mainstream perspectives into a higher echelon. Kennedy’s alternative views have made him a hero to many outside of the normal political framework, a key voting block that he has cultivated. He has also found support among Republicans, as many left the Democratic Party following when his uncle, President John F. Kennedy, was assassinated and a corrupt Vice President (Lyndon B. Johnson) was crowned President. Later, Minnesota Democrats offered their corrupt ringleader, Hubert Humphreys, as VP to top off an anti-freedom, pro-war administration. Sound familiar??
Kennedy realized the threat his candidacy posed to the actuality of Kamala Harris becoming President and Tim Walz becoming Vice President and he was not willing to throw our country under the bus. If Kennedy had stayed in the race, he may instead have been remembered as a Ross Perot (but instead of preventing us from a corrupt George H.W. Bush Administration he’d prevent Trump’s America First vision). It should be noted that RFK Jr. is removing his name from battleground states and will remain on states where he cannot get off the ballot or the state is dark blue/dark red. This, in theory, means he could win a state still but the likelihood of that is almost zero at this point.
Kamala Harris is the least popular Vice President in American history. Nobody respected her except know-nothing, surface level, woke liberals until she was installed as the Dem nominee without a primary, an interview, a press conference, or anything else of substance besides reading BS from a teleprompter from town to town. She knows that the more she is in front of the camera without a narrative, the more unpopular she will become. Commercials driving fake narratives, such as one suggesting she will be tough on the border, will be a true test for the average American’s intelligence. How stupid do Democrats think we are? They have the power now and created the border disaster!
One of her first, and only tasks as VP was to be in charge of the open border that she refused to visit. Infamously, she refused to go and when questioned on why she hasn’t gone to the border she stated “I haven’t been to Europe”.
Harris has failed on everything she has touched in this administration, and she is guilty of covering up the elder abuse of Joe Biden. Do not forget that she and Tim Walz advocated for a senile Joe Biden to stay in the race. Perhaps “Democratic” Party bosses vetted candidates by seeing which ones would be willing to lie to the American people about Biden’s condition, considering that lying and propagandizing will be a large part of a Kamala Harris Administration.
Walz has also faced scrutiny from many, excluding the fake news media, on a number of topics relating to his time as Governor, in Congress, his refusal to deploy, his stolen valor for false claims and implications of Afghanistan/falsely calling himself a Command Sergeant Major among many other things. Interestingly, little coverage has mentioned that Walz voted for extended funding of the Iraq and Afghanistan wars while in Congress, despite his refusal to deploy. Walz wants your sons and daughters to die in war, but not wars that HE would die in.
Bobby Kennedy Jr. sees the Ukraine-Russia and the Israel-Palestine wars going on that could soon spark into World War III. Kennedy sees the threat of war-mongering, power-hungry, establishment-worshiping duos like Kamala and Walz. They both will support our country’s push to nuclear war over borders that are not our own while illegal immigrants, many of which are gang leaders/human traffickers. Meanwhile, key planks of the RNC’s Platform is to prevent World War III and secure our own borders. The populist tones that have taken shape within the conservative grassroots will lead our country into a new era.
In a shocking move, the video quality of RFK Jr. and Trump at the Arizona rally was apparently intentionally kept low causing videos on YouTube to be extremely grainy and hard to see. While some were attributing these visual issues on YouTube to the video's popularity and the mass web traffic going to the videos. However, this appeared to be a consistent problem across multiple YouTube channels, including the mainstream media, at the writing of this article. It does not appear to be a coincidence that this is happening since it is a unique issue for a monumental time. This is censorship through tech manipulation. We were able to find a clear video of the rally here but this issue does not appear to go away. It also perhaps goes without saying that the media coverage of this move was largely negative, incomplete, and smearing instead of covering it as the unique event it truly was. Thousands of Republicans and MAGA Patriots were on their feet cheering for a former Democrat who fights the establishment in his own way.
Kennedy comes from a family of Democratic royalty and even started this Presidential campaign out within the Democrat’s primary. However, the corrupt DNC would not allow him or anyone to truly compete with Biden for the nomination. He then took the steps to run as an Independent, which would have been even more groundbreaking if Trump was not already a leading anti-establishment candidate. The unification of the Trump and Kennedy messages and efforts could be exactly what Trump needs to pull off the win in 2024.
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