The MNGOP has let down conservatives and failed time and time again. RINO Chair David Hann has destroyed the MNGOP by causing financial ruin, abandoning core conservative principles, disenfranchising delegates to rig endorsing conventions, and being completely out of touch with the grassroots.
In David Hann’s latest attempt to weasel cash out of Republicans, a mailer from him was sent out that listed many races that the MNGOP wanted to see wins out of. Obnoxiously on his letter is unendorsed RINO Joe Tierab, who has never won/received the endorsement of CD2 GOP delegates. Noticeably missing was one of the only two partisan statewide races going on this election cycle: the U.S. Senate race. See mailer below:
The GOP’s U.S. Senate nominee, Royce White, has staked his campaign on three core issues: Border, Debt, Forever Wars. He is challenging the Swamp head-on and has been unafraid to call everything as he sees it. While many believe Royce defied the odds by winning the GOP endorsement and primary, he is now polling closer to Shaky Amy Klobuchar than ANY previous Republican! Royce has chosen to embrace controversy and to stake his ground on his terms and it has proven to be very successful. Royce and Amy will debate on WCCO 830 AM radio on October 27th at 9:00AM.
David Hann was incapable of mentioning Royce White and is doing NOTHING to help Royce defeat Shaky Amy. Royce White called out this mailer on X in a hardcore, truth-telling, fire-breathing statement that pulled no punches! See that post here. Royce says that David Hann “smiles in my [his] face” and then pulls this BS, calls Hann & the party leaders neocons, and says that David Hann and the MNGOP decided “to go to war with the grassroots”!
Patriots across our state and Action 4 Liberty have long been aware of the dirty tactics of David Hann. Below you will see a number of the failures/doings of David Hann as Chair:
- Disenfranchised duly-elected delegates from Otter Tail County
- Ran away from Erik Mortensen when questioned about Otter Tail
- Tried to hide his disenfranchisement of Otter Tail from the public and state central delegates then attacked State Exec. members who informed people what was going on
- Sent a mailer asking people for money for an unendorsed Michelle Fischbach
- Cut off data access to five endorsed Republican candidates in 2022 weeks ahead of the primary election (Bill Lieske, Mark Bishofsky, Tom Dippel, Natalie Barnes, and Bret Bussman).
- Sent a mass email attacking A4L and celebrated a phony CFB complaint that was filed against us (we won and remain undefeated with CFB complaints).
- Kept the MNGOP buried in debt until Trump bailed them out.
- Argues that the Democrats are not the GOP’s enemy.
- Has been hyper-critical of President Trump including saying that the GOP is “not the party of Trump” in 2021, said he was “not a Trump guy” in 2021, and did not want Trump to visit MN in 2022.
- Under Hann’s reign there have been zero statewide office wins, zero US Congress flips, lost four year control of the state senate, and two year control in the state house.
- Sent a memo to GOP candidates in 2022 demanding they say that “abortion up to the moment of birth is a protected constitutional right in Minnesota.”
As seen above, David Hann has been a complete failure as a “leader” and if he fails to put up good results in this election, it may be the end of the road for his Chairmanship. Hann is up for reelection for Chair at the upcoming December State Central Committee meeting. Rumors have begun circulating on whether or not Hann will continue to run or if even the Establishment is fed up with losing and will toss Hann out.
Kathleen Quist, a conservative activist from CD4 recently announced that she will be running for Chair and is looking to unify the party. Quist believes that David Hann has made the MNGOP noncompetitive and that new leadership is needed. Former endorsed GOP state Senate candidate (SD5) and CD7 conservative activist Bret Bussman announced his candidacy for MNGOP Chair on Oct. 12th. See below:
Josh oompa loompa Heintzeman loyalist and former Crow Wing County GOP Chair Forest Hyatt has also announced a run for Chair. See below:
Rumors have been floated about other names such as former Mayor Mike Murphy. He upset a lot of delegates for his obvious ladder-climbing/political gamesmanship following his defeat for Governor. Many were later let down by Murphy when he announced a run for Chair in 2022 just to bail out and leave only Phil Parrish to challenge Hann at the State Central. Murphy also dropped out of a very brief CD2 Congressional bid he started on. He was voted out as Mayor of Lexington in 2022 but then had a rushed, nontransparent, and unfair appointment to the city council with the help of corrupt Bobby Benson and other councilmembers. Many no longer see Murphy as a viable path to save Minnesota.
The corruption is rampant in the MNGOP so Action 4 Liberty will continue to fight and expose it. We The People deserve parties that are representative of the grassroots bases that they derive their power from. Conservative delegates will have to keep a close eye on the MNGOP Chair race as more candidates come forward and as more things shake out.
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