Royce White CRUSHES He/Him Fraser & RINO Brian Johnson Goes Down; Full Primary Results Breakdown

Minnesota’s August 13th primary sets the stage for the general election as all candidates have been selected for statewide, congressional, and legislative offices. The Democrats had very little to offer for primaries this year but the Republicans had several races establish clear drawing lines between the freedom loving Patriots and big government RINOs. Full results for primaries can be found here.

The highest profile race was the GOP primary for U.S. Senate, which came to an EPIC finish last night when America First lighting rod Royce White destroyed RINO Joe Fraser and six other opponents. Fraser’s joke of a campaign showed the desperate attempt of Neo-Con Globalists to retake the GOP from the grassroots liberty movement with a pro-war banker candidate with HE/HIM PRONOUNS in his LinkedIn bio! Fraser even defended this in an Alpha News debate when Royce confronted him on bending the knee to woke gender ideology BS!

Royce’s campaign hammered a clear and undeniable message throughout the primary with three key issues: Debt, Borders, and Forever Wars. Any common sense American can figure out that our country is falling apart because of those reasons. We are on the brink of World War 3 and have a fake news army propping up Kamala and Tyrant Tim Walz to lead us into that nighmare. For the first time in a long time, the MNGOP has a candidate who will go on the offense and take the fight to the Democrats in a way that has never been seen before.

Royce White is undeniable and seemingly CANNOT be stopped. The practices of conventional politics and norms are tossed out the window when Royce is factored into the equation. He has defied the odds by defeating the corrupt political machine TWICE, once in a landslide convention victory against Fraser (which Joe claimed he’d abide by) and again in the primary. Despite all the attacks, Royce has stood his ground with the likes of President Trump (Teflon Don) and is unharmed by the incoming fire. Fraser gave the GOP a ZERO percent chance of beating Shaky Amy Klobuchar but Royce White provides a real chance due to his unorthodox style and Minneapolis roots. It is suspicious that candidate Ray Peterson, a political unknown with zero media coverage and no campaign participation in events like FarmFest, received third place and over 8 percent of the vote. 

In another massive victory for the liberty movement, Isanti Mayor Jimmy Gordon crushed career politician Brian Johnson in the GOP primary for State Representative in District 28A. Gordon won nearly two thirds of the vote, showing that voters were clearly ready for a change in their deep red district. Gordon was the endorsed GOP candidate yet the House Republican Campaign Committee (HRCC) was sending out mailers on behalf of his RINO opponent (despite the HRCC being a MNGOP party unit that should abide by endorsements).

Gordon was not the only candidate who faced the wrath of the HRCC, local Patriots Gary Steuart (26B) and Diane Webb-Sillings (10A) did as well. Both of these races were extremely close, especially District 10A coming down to 35 votes! Diane nearly unseated career politician RINO Ron Kresha and her campaign is looking at recount options at this point due to the razor thin margin. It is 100% clear that the HRCC corrupt mailings are the reason these RINOs came out on top, further proving that HRCC “leadership” like Josh Heintzeman and Lisa Demuth would rather run an incumbency protection racket than a conservative political machine. The North Star Conservative PAC also played a role in smearing the good name of local Patriots.

In other races, RINO/Liar Wayne Johnson squeaked out a win against liberty champion and endorsed Republican Grayson McNew in District 41A with the help of some special interest mailers. RINO Michelle Fischbach was able to hold her seat due to name recognition but Constitutional conservative Steve Boyd put up a good fight for a first time candidate in CD7. CD1, CD6, and CD8 also had primary opponents to incumbent Congressmen, mostly through paper candidacies. Of which, Chris Corey performed the strongest of the challengers as he faced off against Globalist RINO Tom Emmer.

Democrats had a few noteworthy primaries including CD5’s rematch between Ilhan Omar and Don Samuels. Ilhan won the primary and had the party’s endorsement this year, further cementing the Democrat’s support for radical socialists who hate our country. While many conservatives were disappointed with that result, many others see the positives from it including that Don Samuels would have been no different on 95% of issues and would have conducted himself in a way that was even more establishment than Ilhan! Some Patriots argue that it is better when your opposition is crazy rather than an establishment hack! 

DWI Democrat Brion Curran survived a primary challenge in 36B, seemingly because Democrats only respect the Courts when they charge Trump with bogus crimes. But when an insane Representative has a few too many drinks and then drives, the gender-confused woke mob think we should look the other way! The lone State Senate seat up for grabs this year is District 45 which became vacant due to radical Kelly Morrison focusing on her campaign for Congress in CD3. The Democratic primary was won by radical gun grabber Ann Johnson Stewart, who previously was a State Senator from SD44. She will face Republican Kathleen Fowke in this special election.

Overall, this primary established that conservatives across our state will not be spoon fed RINOs and are waking up to the game that is being played. The establishment was able to fool some voters in a few races this year but it has become clear that the jig is up and the grassroots want the GOP back! With Royce White’s victory and him now being at the top of our ballots with President Trump, this ball game just got a whole lot more fun, interesting, and meaningful!

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  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2024-08-14 12:23:39 -0500