Sandstede's Fake End Walz' Powers Bill Moves Forward, Puts Mask Mandate in Law

In an attempt to fool their voters into thinking they are on their side in Ending Governor Walz' Emergency Powers, Rep Julie Sandstede, joined by Dave Lislegard and Rob Ecklund, introduced a Fake End Walz' Powers Bill (HF1514) that would codify things like the mask mandate into law. This bill is falsely entitled "COVID-19; bar and restaurant restrictions eased". It actually allows the governor to do exactly what he has previously done and shut down the economy once again. This time with an actual law behind his orders.

If passed, the bill likely would give law enforcement and prosecutors the ability to go after violators criminally. So far, violators of Governor Walz' orders have only been taken to civil court. Most of Walz' orders carry a penalty of $1,000 or 90 days in jail.

Sandstede's bill states that under the critical and high status categories, employees and customers in bars/restaurants "must wear facial coverings". The bill would give the Department of Health the ability to designate the current risk status and apply it throughout the whole state. It would also force businesses to shutdown by law, instead of just a Governor's order. Penalties for violations of this legislation would be the same as Walz' executive orders - $1,000 or 90 days in jail.

This bill is moving through committees right now and will likely receive a vote on the House floor soon according to a statement made by DFL Majority Leader, Ryan Winkler on Monday. Action 4 Liberty opposes this bill and DEMANDS that Sandstede, Lislegard and Ecklund instead vote to End Walz' Emergency Powers by passing the Rep Mortensen Resolution.

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  • Kali MacArthur
    commented 2021-03-10 09:26:42 -0600
    The Mask Mandate Law is totally unconstitutional, immoral & illegal. It takes away freedoms & liberties away from people. Mask should be optional or encouraged. Walz should focus more on the Nursing home deaths plus he also put some infected people into group homes as well.We need law & order in the city of Minneapolis & the State of Minnesota all together. What we have in the state of Minnesota now is Lawlessness & Law & Disorder. The mask mandates law is going to create more backlash, more rebellion & more chaos in this state. This mask mandates law bill is not going to work especially for people who cannot wear the mask for medical reasons. Tim Walz & the DFL house need to be accountable for their actions for this unpopular bill & they need to relearn the US constitution again, plus they need to relearn American History all over again. I will never vote DFL again because this is an evil & ungodly agenda. This Bill is not democratic this is a pure socialist, communist evil agenda plus it will not work long term. This is not about Democrat & Republican anymore this is about good vs. evil now. Tim Walz & the DFL house need to have checks & balances right now because they are out of control & I am so infuriated with them. Tim Walz & the DFL need to be exposed on National Television with the youth sports mask mandates. The youth sports mask mandates need to end soon as well. Health Commissioner Jan Malcom needs to be held accountable as well. This is not about are health anymore. It is a political agenda & it’s about control now. Tim Walz & the DFL need to put politics aside now. They need to back off & we need to stop policing each other. I am so sick & tiered of the chaos in this country. I am praying for peace & harmony in this country. God please help us & look out after us.

    This country needs to heal & people need hope in this country right now we do not not need more chaos right now. We need good news from this COVID pandemic right now & stop with the fear mongering.

    Best Regards,
    Kali MacArthur
  • Lucina Conn
    commented 2021-03-10 04:58:01 -0600
    This needs to stop. End the fake powers.. Walz is a criminal himself, he needs to be held accountable for nursing home deaths.. put Walz in prison.. NOW.. enough is enough
  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2021-03-09 13:32:40 -0600