Walz’ Embarrassing Debate Performance Filled with Lies; Fact-Check on Tampon Tim’s Claims

Millions of Americans tuned in last night to the only Vice Presidential debate for the 2024 election. While Minnesotans and the conservative activists of our state have been well aware of Walz’ radical agenda for years, the majority of the country knew very little about Walz or Vance before last night’s debate. 

J.D. Vance was the clear winner by putting on a masterclass performance despite the biased moderators making it a three on one debate. Sound familiar? Meanwhile, Walz was a bumbling mess who proved his incompetence. Vance and Walz each selected to keep the debate largely friendly and leveled attacks mostly against the Presidential candidates, This style by Vance may be to the strategic benefit of the Trump campaign because it allowed MAGA to now encompass young, free-thinking, middle-class, and soft-hearted leadership as exemplified through Vance’s qualities in the debate. While we, and many other Patriots in Minnesota, wish Vance would have made a couple of extra points, it was day and night compared to the nightmare, knucklehead performance by Tampon Tim! If you want to wake up the sheep on Walz, consider buying one of our 'WALZ LIES' hats available in navy blue, black, and red!

Right from the jump, Walz had a look of unpreparedness and sheer panic across his face. Not exactly what people imagine in a supposed leader. It was clear that Walz was a nervous wreck as he was writing FURIOUSLY throughout the debate! In contrast, Vance did not appear to take ANY notes and was perfectly comfortable addressing questions right off the dome! See President Trump’s thoughts during the debate below:

Trump also sounded off on Walz saying that he is friends with school shooters! If Walz is not capable of putting complete sentences together, he is no better than Biden or Kamala! See Trump’s posts below:

One hilarious moment was when Vance pointed out the ways in which Kamala has raised the prices on gas, groceries, and housing, to which all Walz could respond with was “I hope we have a conversation on healthcare then”. One gross and embarrassing moment for Walz was when something came out of his mouth and sat on his lip for a couple of seconds; DISGUSTING! See here!

As mentioned before, the moderators broke their own rules and began to “fact-check” JD Vance with misleading and incomplete information. What is the point of a fact-check if it just muddies the truth up more and is inaccurate? Co-moderator Margaret Brennan acted in a very unprofessional, partisan, and catty way when she tried to insert HERSELF into the debate by claiming that the Haitians in Springfield, Ohio have “legal status” in the U.S. while leaving out the fact that they are NOT citizens, the immigration program they claim legal status from is considered unconstitutional by many Constitutional lawyers, and that these statuses will expire which means they will face voluntary or involuntary deportation! 

Walz and the media would rather gaslight you on a town overrun by non-citizens than deal with the problems as they are. It is almost like the mainstream media is biased against conservatives! There were many moments where Walz would tell bold-faced lies in order to attack Trump/Vance or to misrepresent what he and Kamala would actually do. Instead of being honest about the Globalist, anti-free speech, anti-gun, pro-pedophile, World War 3 agenda of the Coconuts Kamala/China Walz team, Walz chose to nervously lie to our nation. See a list of his many lies below:

Walz’ Lies

Post-Birth Abortion

The Lie: Walz denied that Minnesota has abortions legal up until birth/nine months

The Truth: As seen in our previous fact-check article on the Presidential debate, Minnesota has a radical policy that was passed in SF2995 which was a massive 845 page omnibus bill. This bill repealed laws requiring physicians “take all reasonable measures [...] to preserve the life and health of any born alive infant that is the result of the abortion” and replaced it with vague language about “care”. Check out our previous reporting on this.

Project 2025

The Lie: Tim Walz said “Their Project 2025 is going to have a registry of pregnancies” and was claiming that the Trump/Vance ticket with create a federal agency dedicated to this purpose. 

The Truth: Trump and Vance had nothing to do with the creation of Project 2025 and it has become a scarecrow for leftist sheep. Walz is repeating party propaganda in order to scare women into supporting him and Kamala. This was such a blatant lie that even CNN had fact-checked/discredited Walz on this claim before the debate even happened! Despite CNN surprisingly exposing Walz’ lies, he continued them on stage yesterday.

Energy/Solar Panels

The Lie / Inaccurate Information: Walz said a misleading statement on the topic of energy to Vance as JD criticized the manufacturing of solar panels in China. JD argued we shouldn’t be buying Chinese solar panels and should be making them here to which Walz responded by saying “We are in Minnesota”. This is to give the impression that Minnesota is a competitor to China in this sphere in our state.

The Truth: Over 80% of the world’s manufacturing of solar panels is done in China. Left wing news source MinnPost says only 3.86% of MN electricity production was created by solar panels in 2022. Walz signed legislation requiring MN be carbon neutral by 2040 which is to the Left of Communist China’s Xi Jinping who requires carbon neutrality by 2060 in China. According to the U.S. Dept. of Energy’s solar manufacturing map, Minnesota has two solar recycling centers, two structural/non-energy manufacturing production facilities, one facility that manufactures electrically insulating adhesive material for solar panels, and only one solar manufacturing module that actually produces solar panels! The lone producer of solar panels in MN, Heliene Inc., is actually a Canadian company with a production capacity of 800 megawatts a year compared to the 216 gigawatts manufactured by China! This means that China outproduces Minnesota in solar panel manufacturing by a margin of 270 to 1! This comes after Walz got a $60M grant from the EPA to give to solar companies. Minnesota is not competitive AT ALL with China on solar energy production, especially when the only manufacturer we have is NOT an American company! To add to this, it appears Heliene continues to buy materials and goods from China and had to put out statements with plans to “mitigate and eliminate” the use of slavery in their supply chains and business operations. This means that the components are still coming from China and further shows that Walz is misrepresenting the truth to look like an environmentalist. 

Illegal Immigration

The Lie: Tim Walz denied Mexican cartels are using innocent children as drug mules to enter the U.S. and called the "Emergency National Security Supplemental Bill" the “toughest” immigration bill in the history of our nation. Walz also said border crossings are down since Trump left office.

The Truth: Biden, Kamala, and the Democrats had no interest in securing the southern border and were undoing border security policies implemented by President Trump for three and a half years until they realized the political suicide they were causing by allowing an open border with criminals and deadly drugs pouring in. The “immigration” bill was a massive, 370 page unconstitutional omnibus bill that served as a massive warmongering, NeoCon taxpayer funded operation for the Israel-Palestine War, Ukraine-Russia war, and Taiwan-China conflict (among many other things). This bill would not allow border patrol agents to do their job and deport criminals and illegals until there is an average of 5K illegal crossings per day over the course of a week which means that NOTHING changes at all about the border! Walz used RINO US Senator James Lankford as an example of a sponsor of the bill while claiming it only failed because Trump wanted to make it a campaign issue. The truth is likely that Trump contributed to blocking this bad bill from becoming law by pressuring politicians not to get on board. Walz is clearly showing that he will deceive voters by calling this bill the “toughest” immigration bill in history! One example of a tougher bill is the Close Biden’s Open Border Act that finishes the wall and defunds the United Nations! While Walz and the media try to fool voters into thinking that Trump had similar levels of illegal immigration, this is simply untrue as the Biden Admin had more illegals crossing in a year than Trump had in his entire term!

Iranian Nuclear Weapons

The Lie: Walz claimed “Iran is closer to a nuclear weapon than they were before because of Donald Trump’s fickle leadership” on the topic of Iran’s nuclear capabilities being able to produce a nuclear weapon in ONE OR TWO WEEKS! Walz suggested that Trump pulling out of the Iran Nuclear Agreement put in place by the Obama Administration is the reason why Iran is closer than ever.

The Truth: The Chief negotiator of the Iran Deal (U.S. Special Representative for Iran Robert Malley) stated in an interview on PBS NewsHour that Iran would gain access to assets and would be able to sell oil and gain revenue from it. Former Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew testified on July 23, 2015 before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee that Iran would have access to $50 Billion in U.S. Foreign Reserves! The Iran Nuclear Deal prolonged the issue and strengthened Iran. Walz’ false assertion that this agreement was working is a farce, even White House National Security Council Coordinator for Strategic Communications John Kirby stated that Iran was not accommodating to their end of the bargain! Walz cannot pretend that the Iran Deal did anything but make America less safe by emboldening our enemies. It is also ironic to blame Trump for an issue that is happening under the failed leadership of Biden/Kamala.


The Lie: Tim Walz previously stated that he was in China during the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

The Truth: Walz was not in China but was in China shortly after in 1989. In an awkward answer when asked about his previous lie, Walz stumbled around with his words and said he misspoke on this and then called himself a “knucklehead” and giving inadequate details on how he got this role. He did not include information like the fact that he honeymooned with his wife in China, was nicknamed the “foreign devil” by students in China, and regularly produces a video celebrating Chinese New Year. Another largely unknown story that got no mention is Walz’ co-authorship of a bill (HR1148) which praised the work and mission of Klaus Schwab and the globalist, anti-freedom, pro-bug eating, anti-ownership, and anti-national sovereignty World Economic Forum (WEF).


The Lie: On the topic about police officers who guarded the U.S. Capitol on January 6th, Walz said “One hundred and forty police officers were beaten at the Capitol that day, some with the American flag. Several later died.”

The Truth: No officer was killed that day. One officer died of a stroke following the events and four committed suicide in the days and months after the events. Walz is unjustly connecting these officers’ deaths to January 6th. In addition, the U.S. Dept. of Justice has stated that approximately 140 police officers were assaulted (which may be an exaggeration) but it should be stated that assaulted and beaten mean very different things. Walz is incorrectly stating this DOJ information and falsely suggesting that 140 officers were victims of battery instead of something like a simple verbal assault. 


Tim Walz came out of this debate as a clear loser and now the rest of the nation is looking at Minnesota wondering how we elected someone so stupid as our Governor! The Democrats and fake news media tried desperately to make the American people despise JD Vance before getting a chance to hear him out. Once put in front of America’s faces, the only candidate who looked “weird” was Walz. Vance may have locked down the 2028 GOP nomination with that performance while Walz be remembered as a hero to his base of transgender socialist pedophile supporters. Was this debate all that Trump/Vance needed to lock up a victory? We will continue bringing you truth that you cannot find anywhere else.

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  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2024-10-02 19:38:25 -0500