Walz Says Middle School and High School Students Can Return on Monday

Governor Walz held a noon press conference announcing that middle school and high school students can return to school starting Monday, Feb 22nd. Citing dropping numbers of COVID cases due, in his words, to "masking", Walz stated that students can "safely" return to the classroom.

According to the government's own figures, Minnesota has no COVID deaths of children between the age of 10-19, which is the ages that make up middle and high school students. Kindergarten through 5th grade students across the state have already been back to school for a good portion of 2021.

Despite schools reopening, businesses mostly back to normal and COVID cases at extremely low levels, Governor Walz continues to hold on to his Emergency Powers. It's time for the Legislature to take back its power of lawmaking from Walz for good.

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  • Debbie K
    commented 2021-02-20 09:23:43 -0600
    Can they go without wearing a mask? Probably not. I heard too that they are going to push the cvid jab as a requirement next fall. What a farce.
  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2021-02-19 15:16:21 -0600