Biden Impeachment Inquiry Imminent

Despite earning ire from the Republican base, House Speaker Kevin McCarthy appears poised to bring an impeachment inquiry to the House floor. McCarthy has repeatedly teased his support for impeachment over the past few days, with support from other congressional Republicans.

The calls for impeachment come from purported corruption by President Biden and his son Hunter. Republicans accuse Biden of using his office as Barack Obama’s Vice-President to get his son a job on the board of Ukrainian-owned Burisma - an energy company.

Biden threatened to withhold funding to the country in 2016 if the country didn’t end its investigation into Burisma. In fact, he bragged about doing so at a forum. As predicted, the corrupt mainstream media has rushed to defend Biden.

However, McCarthy has promised to bring more corruption allegations to light. He alleges that Biden is refusing to cooperate with current investigations and is using the Department of Justice (DOJ) to cover his tracks.

To be clear, the impeachment inquiry simply lays the infrastructure for the House to further investigate wrongdoing by Biden. From there, the House can vote on impeaching him. 

The Speaker must do everything he can to hold Biden accountable. Democrats impeached President Trump twice with flimsy to no evidence. Now, Republicans have more than enough evidence to believe that Biden abused his power for financial gain.

This is frankly the bare minimum for House Republicans. Biden tried mandating vaccines on all Americans, even threatening to push them out of mainstream society. He cooperated with social media companies to censor speech he did not like. Both things were ruled unconstitutional by the courts.

If McCarthy decides against holding the President accountable, conservative congressmen have the option to remove him as speaker.


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  • Tucker Hittesdorf
    commented 2023-07-26 14:14:17 -0500
    What about Wray, Garland, and Mayorkas?
  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-07-25 15:49:14 -0500