Stand with Larvita


Larvita is a single mom, small business owner and youth gymnastics coach. But Governor Walz is crushing businesses like hers with his unilateral, illegal orders! His newest shutdown will crush her, so she REFUSED to comply. Her cafe, Havens Garden, is opening up on Friday with an open-mic night. Unfortunately, Walz is using the Attorney General's office to go after Larvita and even the Sheriff has threatened her with jail time. She's about to lose her business and source of income; plus she might go to jail for not complying with an ILLEGAL order.

Larvita is courageously standing up, and not backing down. We need Justice for Larvita. Show your support for Larvita by signing the Petition to End Walz' Emergency Powers and STOP the assault on our small businesses and civil liberties.

To Governor Walz and legislators:

Whereas, one person does not have the legal authority to remove the rights of Minnesotans protected by our Constitution and Bill of Rights;

Whereas, Governor Walz' emergency powers is devastating our state economy and killing the heart of it - small businesses;

Whereas, the "Stay at Home" order is turning neighbors against neighbors using Walz' hotline;

Whereas, free people can make safe and reasonable accommodations to open businesses during a crisis while still adhering to good medical advice;

THEREFORE be it resolved, We The People of Minnesota demand Governor Walz immediately end his emergency powers;

Be it further resolved, if Governor Walz won't comply, We The People of Minnesota demand the legislature removes his powers and we demand a recorded vote on all motions and bills pertaining to ending Walz' emergency powers.

Who's signing

glenn gohman
Carol DeBlieck
Don Jensen
Heather B
Rita Fricke
Susan Iddings
Donna Rothstein
Alyssa Lorenz
Mark Summer
Michael Whaley
Dale Oden
Sadredin Moosavi
Gloria Workman
Cindy Kemper
Bill Benson
Katherine Carpenter
Barbara Schaaf
Jon Gunther
Rhonda Goldstone
Shawn Smith
Rein Terati
Linda Anderaon
Dawn Neuschwander
Sherry Olson
Bryn Knatterud
Terri Hurley
Debra Musgrove

Will you sign?

  • glenn gohman
    signed 2020-11-25 18:24:40 -0600
  • Carol DeBlieck
    signed 2020-11-25 18:19:36 -0600
  • Don Jensen
    signed 2020-11-25 18:17:15 -0600
    recall adolf walz immediately
  • Heather B
    signed 2020-11-25 17:58:53 -0600
    Get Walz out of office!
  • Rita Fricke
    signed 2020-11-25 17:56:56 -0600
  • Anonymous
    signed 2020-11-25 17:45:05 -0600
    with you all the way!
  • Susan Iddings
    signed 2020-11-25 17:45:04 -0600
  • Donna Rothstein
    signed 2020-11-25 17:44:58 -0600
  • Alyssa Lorenz
    signed 2020-11-25 17:43:04 -0600
  • Mark Summer
    signed 2020-11-25 17:21:24 -0600
  • Michael Whaley
    signed 2020-11-25 17:16:43 -0600
  • Anonymous
    signed 2020-11-25 17:14:46 -0600
  • Dale Oden
    signed 2020-11-25 17:14:14 -0600
  • Sadredin Moosavi
    signed 2020-11-25 17:10:00 -0600
  • Gloria Workman
    signed 2020-11-25 17:04:01 -0600
  • Cindy Kemper
    signed 2020-11-25 17:00:20 -0600
  • Bill Benson
    signed 2020-11-25 16:53:37 -0600
  • Katherine Carpenter
    signed 2020-11-25 16:47:37 -0600
    Stay strong! You are supported more than you know! God Bless You!
  • Barbara Schaaf
    signed 2020-11-25 16:41:00 -0600
  • Jon Gunther
    signed 2020-11-25 16:40:05 -0600
  • Rhonda Goldstone
    signed 2020-11-25 16:28:06 -0600
  • Shawn Smith
    signed 2020-11-25 16:17:28 -0600
    I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.
  • Rein Terati
    signed 2020-11-25 16:16:55 -0600
    It’s time to push back
  • Linda Anderaon
    signed 2020-11-25 16:02:07 -0600
    Walz is abrogating this woman’s Constitutional rights, that he took an oath to uphold. It is he who should be arrested.
  • Dawn Neuschwander
    signed 2020-11-25 15:49:11 -0600
    The covid-19 Hoax has gone far enough! It is just a flu and nothing else!! We have a Constitution that protects us from tyrants like Gov. Waltz who use the flu as a political excuse to kill MN business’s ! Waltz wants to jail someone who works and let all the criminals go free!! Who elected this guy????
  • Sherry Olson
    signed 2020-11-25 15:40:44 -0600
  • Anonymous
    signed 2020-11-25 15:39:47 -0600
    Tell them both to piss off!🇺🇸
  • Bryn Knatterud
    signed 2020-11-25 15:27:57 -0600
  • Terri Hurley
    signed 2020-11-25 15:21:36 -0600
  • Debra Musgrove
    signed 2020-11-25 15:11:57 -0600