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Tyrant Tony Fauci is coming to Minnesota and we need YOU to join our Freedom > Fauci Rally at the U of M campus! NEVER...
Free speech is under attack in our country despite the protections granted through the First Amendment. We have a federal and state government that no...
  Politics is a game that takes money to win. In a swing state like Minnesota, both Democrats and Republicans are looking at the State...
Millions of Americans tuned in last night to the only Vice Presidential debate for the 2024 election. While Minnesotans and the conservative activists of our...
Out of touch RINOs like Ron Kresha (10A) do not truly serve their constituents, instead, they serve their donors and the party leadership.  RINO Ron...
The House Republican Campaign Committee (HRCC) is a party unit of the MNGOP that has failed to abide by party endorsements in violation of the...
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