Otter Tail County BPOU Decertified!

This is the first article I’m writing for Action for Liberty… and it’s personal!

You hope and pray that you’re wrong, that he will come around and do the right thing.  Then you have to accept the harsh reality of who it is that your dealing with… David Hann, now former Chair of the MN GOP.

True to character (or lack thereof), on his way out the door, Hann delivered the final blow to Otter Tail County (OTC) by sending letters to the Campaign Finance Board and the Secretary of State requesting the decertification of the OTC BPOU… Hann’s swan song of unconstitutional and vindictive actions.

David Hann's legacy as MNGOP Chair is now cemented as a petty tyrant.

OTC has a tremendous grassroots movement and has been dealing with challenges for some years now because of their love for and adherence to The Constitution.  “Leadership” told OTC that if they organized for the 2024 Caucus they could see meaningful change in their county.  So the grassroots people of OTC turned out in overwhelming numbers only to be double-crossed by Hann.

Whether we’re talking about Hann’s interference in Otter Tail Co, Clay Co, Kittson Co, or Mille Lacs Co, Hann’s track record of talking “unity” and delivering “punishment” speaks for itself.  Hann’s legacy is nothing more than a “foot on the neck” of the grassroots people in the MN Republican Party.  If one didn’t know any better it would appear that David Hann, during his tenure as MN GOP Chair, served as controlled opposition for the Democrats.  Afterall, how are Republicans expected to win elections when the head of the party routinely attacks and punishes the hardest working activists within the party.

CALL TO ACTION:  It’s time for the grassroots people of MN to rise up and contact our newly elected State Executive Committee members (651.222.0022) and demand an emergency meeting before their regular meeting on the 3rd Thursday of January to address this most recent injustice against OTC.  

Oh, what I’d give to be a fly on the wall of THAT meeting.

As information becomes available, A4L will keep you posted. 



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