Sign the Petition

Tell the St Louis Park City Council that we love this country!

Whereas, allegiance to our American traditions is vital to a strong community, and;

Whereas, Americans have a heritage of saying the pledge of allegiance prior to government meetings, and;

Whereas, our culture is under continuous attack in our workplace, schools and government, and;
Whereas, it's time to proudly stand together as Americans;

THEREFORE be it resolved, We The People of Minnesota and as Americans demand that the St. Louis Park City Council preserves the tradition of saying the pledge of allegiance at city meetings.

Who's signing

Silvia Anderson
Jackie Miron
Christopher Horn
Steven Allen
Sandra Jones
Robert Sipe
Anthony King
Katie Guenther
Jim Wallis
Jamie Van Nevel
Janell Jordan
Robert Puls
Kerry Krenz
Loni Wold
Joan Anderson
Patricia Rieschl
Ginny Gladwin
james kastelic
James Bertucci
S.R. "Abe" Sweeney
joseph daley
Dianna Delaney
Tom Schaeffer
Mark Perlinger
Candida Niedzielski
Bradley Norman
Kelly Princivalli
Thomas Shanley
Clement Roden
Kathy Lapic
3,314 signatures

Will you sign?