With the MN Republicans eyeing to take back the State House, the 2024 election should have been a sign for radical Democrats to put their insane agenda to the side. Instead of running government in a fair, honest, and legitimate manner, Democrats have conducted themselves as bullies with no principles or shame. From legislative policy to procedural operations to providing cover for an admitted burglar of her elderly step-mother (Senator Nicole Mitchell).
The Democrat trifecta in Minnesota has led to a loss of freedom, increase of crime, increase of spending, and growth of government. Tyrant Tim Walz suggested that it was going to be a “normal off-budget year” that was going to “clean up a few things that need to be cleaned up.” This gaslighting was met with Democrats pushing through a sneaky, radical agenda then pulling one of the most Un-Constitutional moves in the history of our state!
To find a full list of bills that were passed during the 2023-2024 sessions you can see them listed here. Despite nearly every bill being terrible in one way or more, you can find a condensed, brief breakdown of top bills passed on several key issues below:
HF2609: This radical gun control bill bans binary triggers – a simple modification to semiautomatic firearms that slightly increases the rate of fire. This bill also increases penalties for transferring firearms in ways not approved by the state. This clear violation of the 2nd Amendment was passed with ease, thanks to the help of 3 RINOs in the House: Reps. Andrew Myers, Mark Weins, and Jeff Witte. Besides those three anti-gun RINOs, this was passed by an otherwise party line vote in the House before being added into HF5247.
HF3489: This bill is a coverup for the Democrats’ previous effort to tie the hands of school resource officers, security, and other employees of school districts to break up fights and keep kids safe. The bad intentions of previous legislation required political action by the Democrats, which they chose to take up near the beginning of session.
HF4518: This is a Socialist education spending bill that increases spending across the board for several pet projects and proves the incompetence of Democratic policy. This bill nearly DOUBLES the appropriations required for 2024 and 2025 for the “Free” breakfast/lunch program. Despite some obvious flaws with Socialist continuation bills like this one, it was passed UNANIMOUSLY in the House and only 16 Republicans voted against it in the Senate.
HF3377: This is an environmental pet project bill that wastes taxpayer dollars on unimportant, wastes of money. Is it the government’s responsibility to spend nearly $350K on characterizing tree cavities? Should the government spend $200K on turtle watching? How about nearly $1M for the woke, liberal University of Minnesota to do research for the anti-wolf hunting agenda? This bill expands our government and wastes your money on purposes to limit your freedom. This bill passed the House with a vote of 94-35 and the Senate passed it 41-25.
HF3631: The capital projects bill is special interests galore and wastes your tax dollars on local projects, further inserting the loss of local control in our state. This type of typical, crony bill is what politicians use to brag about how they are helping their district. In reality, they are letting the establishment roll us over, take our money, take our freedom, and keep themselves in power. It takes a certain level of conservative conviction to oppose legislation like this, and for that reason it passed handedly. This passed the House by 98-32 and the Senate by 57-9.
HF3800: Big government housing bills always leads to bureaucrats and know-it-all politicians thinking they can plan for the development of areas better than local communities. This bill is filled will regulations regarding low and moderate income housing cooperations for seniors and poor people. This Democrat bill has RINO Rep. Danny Nadeau (34A) as a co-sponsor and this bill faced limited opposition. In the House, only one GOP Rep, Steve Jacob (20B), voted against it. The House vote was 128-1 and the Senate vote was 53-12.
HF3488: This bill requires new regulations surrounding children participating in online content creation and their compensation. This was an unexpected, strange regulation that the St. Paul Swamp made sure to pass this session. prohibit content creators from having children in their content – a totally harmless activity in most cases. Popular shows like the Outdoor Boys would no longer be able to have content featuring children under 14 that makes up 30% or more of the month’s content. While there is serious concern about children and their presence on the internet, this bill creates a barrier on good faith behavior. This bill passed in the House by 103-26 and in the Senate by 37-30.
HF4772: This is a crony election bill that covers everything from campaign finance regulations to election administration to deep fake AI videos to redistricting and the census. This bill even establishes a “Voting Rights Act” which further enforces our loose, easy to manipulate election laws. This 88 page bill goes on to further regulate the use of Artificial Intelligence, allowing citizens of our state to be fined and imprisoned for memes of elected officials. This type of bill should have never seen the light of day due to it’s Un-Constitutional nature but it was passed along party line votes in both the House and Senate.
HF5247: The Mother of All Omnibus Bills is a 2,800 page monster that covers everything under the sun. When Democrats realized they couldn’t pass their radical agenda piece by piece because of time constraints, they pulled the most blatant example of corruption in the Minnesota Legislature in recent time, and maybe ever. They stuffed all kinds of different bills and conference committee reports into a tax bill at the very last minute and Republicans in both chambers stood up to the corruption. Despite the arrogant power grab being captured live on the House and Senate floors, Democrats ram-rodded this bill through. In the Senate, the chamber erupted with chaos so that President Bobby Joe Champion could not control them. Regardless, the bills were pushed through along party lines with some Republicans voting no, some opting to abstain due to disgust with the process, and some who didn’t know what they were voting on like Senator Torrey Westrom (SD12) who is blind and was completely unable to know what was going on. This type of corruption has not gone unnoticed and Republican officials are planning different action items to hold Democrats responsible for their illegal governance.
If all citizens of Minnesota watched the Legislature and saw the inner-working dynamics of our broken government, all good faith people would come to the same conclusion that Democrats and RINOs are destroying our state. Our Constitutional framework was not designed for career politicians to do the bidding of their donors and special interests. The woke, Socialist takeover of our state has left our citizens worse off in nearly every trackable metric. This rampant corruption can only be fought with transparency, removing corrupt politicians, and restoring freedom for ‘We The People’. This is OUR government and WE want it back!
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FacebookThe idea that people have to be protected from stigma for taking government assistance is problematic. It gets much worse when the “answer” is to put everybody on government assistance. There should be some embarrassment at being dependent on taxpayers; people should work to be self-supporting. At the same time, it’s good for children to learn to be compassionate towards those in genuine financial circumstances.