‘Trans 8-Year-Old’ and Family Leaving Florida for Minnesota

BusinessInsider recently ran a profile on a mother and her 8 year-old “transgender daughter’, and their newfound fear of the Florida and its policies.

According to the interview, Amanda Denis began to transition their son when he told them that "My brain tells me I'm a girl."

At the time, the boy was 4 years old. Regardless, the family went and bought him clothes for a girl almost immediately. 

Florida's SB 254 prompted the family to move. Under this proposal, Courts can temporarily assume custody based on a parent's support for genital-mutilation surgery (AKA, "gender-affirming care").

The Denis family chose Minnesota because it will soon be a “transgender sanctuary state.” Meaning Minnesota will protect parents who decide to force sterilization and life-altering surgeries on their kids.

Amanda set up a GoFundMe page with a goal of raising $10,000, supposedly to help with the move to Minnesota. As of writing, the campaign has already raised $7,450. 

The Minnesota House of Representatives has already passed HF146/SF63  - the trans sanctuary bill - and Governor Walz has indicated that he intends to sign it. It is expected to be debated in the Minnesota Senate, where it is possible that it could stall and even fail.

Minnesota Democrats have a narrow one-seat majority in the Senate, and four Senators who just barely won their elections in 2022. Help Minnesota reject child endangerment by calling these Senators and demand that they vote against SF63. Use their contact info below.

Judy Seeberger (SD 41)



Rob Kupec (SD 4)



Grant Hauschild (SD 3)



Aric Putnam (SD 14)




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  • Meech Miller
    commented 2023-04-14 06:44:14 -0500
    This is disgusting that a mother would be turning her 8 year old son into a girl! Shame on her and shame on Minnesota for making Minnesota a state where these people can come to get this surgery for little kids! There’s a reason every other state in America is against this surgery/tragedy for kids! The Minnesota legislature that is run by democrats is wrong and all of them need to be voted out! What is wrong with them? This legislature also voted to make abortion legal right up to 9 months and that is murder but they kill the baby before it’s out of the womb so it’s called Abortion and not murder! Democrat governor of Minnesota signed both of these horrible things into Law. Wake up Minnesota and vote these Democrats in Minnesota out of office. What more proof is needed!
  • Russell Jackson
    commented 2023-04-13 09:55:52 -0500
    I think MN should buy a one-way ticket for all of these people, or whatever you call them, and all the MN homeless to CA. Newsom, CA governor, said he welcomes all homeless people to his state and the climate is nicer than it is in MN. Now I have to worry that every time I attend church, I may get shot by one these people. I have nothing against them and if they want to live that lifestyle, that is fine. But then do not complain that you are harassed, discriminated against, etc.
  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-04-11 10:52:52 -0500