In our backwards country, tyrannical individuals like Amy Klobuchar who abuse the Constitution receive awards for “upholding” the Constitution! Many remember her failed Presidential campaign, oftentimes looking like a nervous wreck, and she has continued to push her unappealing agenda as one of our US Senators.
Amy Klobuchar pretends to be a moderate Senator despite falling in line with the radical Democrats on nearly every issue! Her 2024 re-election bid will be her toughest yet due to her alignment with Biden’s agenda to destroy America.
Klobuchar and RINO Senator Rob Portman (Ohio) were given the 2023 Madison Prize for Constitutional Excellence from the American University School of Public Affairs. You can watch the crony ceremony here.
This award is supposedly to recognize individuals who compromise and are bipartisan. However, Patriots understand that when RINOs and radical Democrats work together, it is We the People who get screwed over!
See examples of Amy Klobuchar’s most radical, anti-Constitution positions below:
Vaccine Mandates
Klobuchar has been an avid supporter of vaccine mandates and supported Biden’s unconstitutional vaccine mandates for businesses with over 100 employees. Before it was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, Klobuchar voted to keep the mandates in place while Senators Joe Manchin (West Virginia) and Jon Tester (Montana) voted with the GOP by a vote of 52-48. Additionally, Klobuchar supported Covid vax mandates for our military and even suggested that “If you care about the troops, get vaccinated.”
Gun Control
Amy Klobuchar has been a fierce advocate for tyrannical, unconstitutional gun control. No Legislator should ever be given an award for Constitutional excellence if they seek to infringe on our Second Amendment Right. Klobuchar was involved in a gun control filibuster in 2016, despite the fact that Klobuchar says she wants to eliminate the filibuster from the Senate. Klobuchar has used every tragedy she can to take away guns from law-abiding citizens and has an “F” rating from the NRA.
Global Warming Hoax
Klobuchar lost all credibility for herself and her ideas at the launch of her Presidential campaign. She stood in an ice-cold blizzard and warned Americans about global warming! Expect electrical blackouts, less natural oil, and more bird-killing windmills/China-made solar panels with Klobuchar anywhere in power. During her 2020 campaign, Klobuchar argued to make the USA carbon neutral by 2050! Destroying the natural gas, coal, and energy industry is anti-freedom and prohibits our Constitutional Right to Commerce for citizens.
Government Surveillance of Citizens
In 2015, Klobuchar voted for the “Freedom Act” which expanded the “Patriot Act” which allowed government surveillance of American citizens by the NSA. At every turn, Klobuchar has stood ready to encroach on our Fourth Amendment Right to Privacy. As we see the Deep State in our country weaponizing the government against regular people, we need to be vigilant as ever and fight the illegal and unconstitutional spying on all Americans.
Proxy Wars
Klobuchar has never been accused by anyone of being smart, calculated, or cunning when it comes to foreign policy. She has consistently supported military intervention for causes outside of the United States’ interests and scope, all of which are unconstitutional (Article 1, Section 8, Clause 11) due to the lack of a Congressional declaration of war since 1942. Klobuchar has put our country in danger over her uncompromising view of the Russian-Ukrainian war. A few months back, Klobuchar and fellow “Constitutionalist” award winner RINO Rob Portman visited Ukraine and pledged continuing support from the US. Additionally, Klobuchar has been in favor of invading Libya, Syria, and installing an unelected puppet in Venezuela. Klobuchar is also a globalist who supports the World Economic Forum as they have written puff-pieces about her and she quotes them in her press releases.
Amy Klobuchar is a fake moderate, nothing she stands for is moderate and she is just another pawn for the evil Democrats. She may get bipartisan support for bills but that is only because RINOs also want to destroy our great country. An award for “Constitutional excellence” is a slap in the face to Constitutionalists in our state and country. Klobuchar is just as radical, wicked, and anti-American as any US Senator. Contact American University School of Public Affairs and tell them to revoke their award! We cannot save our country with this kind of gaslighting!
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