Big Protest Today at Governor's Mansion

A large protest is planned today at the Governor's Mansion from noon to 3 pm to demand the Governor end his "Stay Home or Else" order and reopen the economy. The protest is organized by Michele Even, who was our 2019 Activist of the Year recipient. 

"This overreaction by the Governor has gone on long enough and we aren't going to take it anymore" stated Michele Even. "All jobs are essential. People need to support themselves and their families".

Even's objectives is to send a message to the Governor and the Legislature through the use of the Constitutionally protected rights of free speech and freedom to assemble. "People's lives are already in turmoil and the cure is worse than the disease at this point" added Michele. "People are fed up with this lock down".

Hundreds of protestors are expected to turn out today. For more information, visit to learn about this and possible future protests. 


Time: Noon to 3 pm

Location: Governor's Mansion


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