Washed up tech billionaire and vaccine pusher Bill Gates made a shocking admission at a Lowy Institute discussion in Sydney, Australia on Monday.
In an eerie discussion about preventing future pandemics, Gates talks about new government programs and experimental medical procedures to prevent potential infection. The most shocking admission, however, comes from Gates’ new beliefs surrounding the Covid-19 MRNA vaccines.
“The current vaccines are not infection blocking; They’re not broad, so when new variants come up you lose protection, and they have very short duration.” He told the audience.
Nearly everyone in the Health Freedom movement has said these things for years, including Dr. Robert Malone – inventor of MRNA technology which made the vaccines possible.
This is the same vaccine which Gates has publicly applauded many times. This is also the same vaccine that was unconstitutionally mandated for hundreds of thousands of workers under President Biden – which was later struck down by the Supreme Court.
Now that Bill Gates admits that the vaccines don’t work, he needs to apologize to the increasing numbers of Americans who are regretting following the advice of people like him and the "experts" who were pushing propaganda - not settled science.
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