Candidates for RNC Committeeman and Committeewoman will face Republican State Central Delegates on Thursday night in St. Paul. Current Committeeman Alex Pleccash is being challenged by AK Kamara and Current Committeewoman Barb Sutter is stepping down – making the position an open seat. With the state party melting down over Dave Hann’s actions in Otter Tail County, the issue has become a top priority for many voters – striking a nerve with the nominations committee.
Among the candidates for Committeewoman are Emily Novotny Chance, Joy Orvis, and Amanda Hughes. While Novotny Chance was considered qualified for the position by the state party nominations committee, Orvis and Hughes were not. The committee is made up of appointees who are tasked with interviewing candidates wishing to run for RNC Committeeman/woman.
If candidates want a chance to be nominated by delegates, they must be deemed qualified by the committee. Amanda Hughes was deemed “unqualified” by the committee because of her efforts to remove Chair Dave Hann at the previous State Central Convention. Joy Orvis was found “qualified with reservations” because she refused to take a position on the Otter Tail County mess.
That’s right, this nominations committee is so fired up over this issue that they would put their thumb on the scales of the committeewoman election. By deeming Orvis “qualified with reservations,” delegates will be led to believe that she should be voted against.
Here’s a screenshot from a recent Orvis campaign email.
You should not be surprised that Dave Hann’s Republican Party is vindictive and drunk on power. Under his guidance, the CD 1 GOP just voted to remove executive member Wendy Phillips for helping Otter Tail County host a convention independently.
It seems that Emily Novotny Chance is the establishment favorite for RNC Committeewoman, but the delegates will have their final say on Thursday night.
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