The House Republican Campaign Committee (HRCC) has announced via email they will host a fundraiser for three Republican incumbents who lost the Republican Party endorsement for re-election. These representatives include Greg Davids, Brian Johnson, and Ron Kresha. All three currently represent solid Republican districts.
Many Republican Party leaders were told that the HRCC would not support candidates not supported by the party. The organization had become notorious for spending tens of thousands of dollars against conservatives in years past.
Rep Davids, a sixteen-term legislator, lost the party endorsement to Gary Steuart, a longtime Republican activist. Rep Johnson lost the endorsement to Isanti Mayor Jimmy Gordon. In Ron Kresha’s race, neither candidate was able to secure the Republican endorsement. His opponent is Dianne Webb-Skillings, a local conservative activist.
According to the email, the event will take place in St. Paul on Wednesday. Guests are encouraged to donate $250 to one of the three sitting legislators. Instead of fundraising for swing district seats in the Twin Cities metro, the HRCC will be focusing talent and funds on some of the most conservative districts in the state.
This gesture shows that House Republicans are not serious about winning the majority in November. They only want to keep the good ol’ boys club they have made for themselves at the Capitol.
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