Daudt Attempts to Put Walz' Unilateral Emergency Powers in Constitution

Lobbyist Legislator Kurt Daudt, who serves as the Republican Minority Leader in the Minnesota House, made a motion on Wednesday in the House Rules Committee to advance a bill that would put the Governor's Unilateral Emergency Powers in the State Constitution. HF101, authored by Rep Steve Green, is a proposed Constitutional Amendment that codifies the unilateral powers of the Governor granted under state statute into the Constitution, then requires a simple majority to extend them. In other words, if Democrats were in complete control of the legislature, Minnesota could experience permanent Emergency Powers like we have right now.

This bill stands in stark contrast to Rep Erik Mortensen's Never Again Bill, or Unilateral Emergency Powers Repeal Act, which would strip the Governor of his ability to unilaterally call an Emergency. Mort's bill goes further and requires a 2/3 majority to declare an emergency, ensuring that emergency matters are non-partisan. On top of that, the Never Again Bill removes the Governor's order from being treated as law and has a Bill of Rights for Emergencies. None of those parts are found in Rep Green's bill that Daudt tried to move in the committee.

HF101 clearly has the support of the Old House Republican Caucus leadership, who are silent on Mort's Never Again Bill. Reps Lucero, Pfarr, Bennett, Daniels, Bliss, Burkel, O'Neill, Quam, Novotny, Erikson and Poston are all co-authors on the bill. The Senate Companion bill is authored by Sen Utke. 

Action 4 Liberty stands strongly opposed to this Fake End Walz' Powers Bill. Republicans in the Legislature need to fight to FIX the problems of Emergency Powers, not codify them in our State's Constitution. We call on the Legislature to pass no budget and make no deals with Governor Walz until his current Emergency Powers are terminated and the Never Again Bill is passed!


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  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2021-04-15 10:41:37 -0500