Democrat Party Convention Requires Vaccine Card to Attend

The Minnesota Democrat Party is requiring attendees of its state convention in Rochester to show “proof of COVID-19 vaccination.” Under its “COVID-19 Precautions” section on the convention webpage, the Party warns attendees that if they “do not have [their] vaccination card, the Minnesota Department of Health cannot provide a replacement CDC COVID-19 vaccine card.”

Delegates, alternates and left-wing vendors will be gathering at the Mayo Civic Center in Rochester on May 20th and 21st, one week after the Minnesota Republican Party holds its state convention in the same building. The MNGOP has no vaccination or mask policy for attendees at its convention.

Although this move does not come as a surprise, it further cements the fact that the modern Democrat Party has completely abandoned its protection of individual health freedoms. If a pro-health freedom candidate or activist wanted to work inside the Party, he or she would be barred from participating in the political process.

The policy is also anti-science. Individual vaccination status does not affect other attendees who personally choose to be vaccinated. What were originally considered “break through cases”, have now been found to be a common occurrence. Vaccinated individuals contract and spread COVID as much as unvaccinated people. In Minnesota, Governor Walz, Lt Governor Flanagan, Attorney General Keith Ellison and Secretary of State Steve Simon have all tested positive for COVID despite being fully vaccinated.

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  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2022-04-24 12:08:32 -0500