Yesterday in the Senate Capital Investment Committee meeting, Committee Chair Sandra Pappas (Dem-SD65) seriously seemed to lack emotional stability. Pappas became unglued on GOP members for refusing to get behind her big government bonding bill HF669 on the Senate Floor!
The tone and attitude of Pappas paints the picture for itself but the content of her words are just as damning.
An hour and a half before the Committee meeting started, Pappas pulled an under-handed tactic as Chair to remove all Republican authored bills from the committee agenda. This was a major issue for GOP Senators and members of the public who drove across the state to testify on those bills. This is unprecedented corruption and shows the vindictive ways of Pappas and the Democrats.
Senators Housley (SD33), Jasinski (SD19), Pratt (SD54), and Rasmusson (SD9) (despite these four typically voting like RINOs) were dead-on in their critique of the procedural and legislative issues with Pappas and the bonding bill. They pointed out the “pay to play” scheme Pappas is employing as retribution for the votes against the bonding bill in the Senate. Housley also pointed out the ethics violations of this move and Jasinski notes that individuals must pay $10,000 in order to have any say on the marijuana legalization bill.
Pappas argued that “Is that the only way you understand, is if we play hardball? If you want a project in the bonding bill, the reality is… you have to vote for the bonding bill” despite the fact that Pappas also voted against the bill! By her logic, that means she should have no funding for her district! This hypocrisy is a bit more nuanced because after opposing her own bill on the Senate floor, Pappas immediately moved to reconsider the bill (which can only be offered by someone on the prevailing side of the vote). This is another example of the dirty tricks Democrats are playing in the Legislature. Her actions are the very definition of “pay to play”.
Eventually, Pappas began hanging projects over GOP Senators heads, suggesting that Legislators are obligated to vote for bad bills just because it funds something in their district. When confronted with GOP demands for tax cuts, she said “I don’t care about what you’re saying about taxes, that doesn’t concern me.”
To top off Pappas’ mental breakdown, she begins crying and threatening “consequences” for opposing the bill. This meltdown showed the nasty, power-hungry side of politics. Corrupt behavior like this cannot be tolerated and the GOP would be insane to try to work a deal with her. Don’t negotiate with terrorists!
The reason the bonding bill is such a big deal is that it requires 3/5ths of the Legislature’s support in order to pass. This means that it is one of the only leverage points Republicans have since our entire state is run by radical left Democrats. The Senate GOP’s push to add tax cuts to the bill is a good start, but much more needs to be done.
Action 4 Liberty proposes that GOP Senators refuse to support this bill unless three conditions are met:
- Return of entire Surplus to taxpayers
- Tax cuts and removal of Social Security Tax
- No gun control passed this session
If Republicans do not fight, they will lose the one chance they have to deliver conservative policies. Contact your Senator and make sure they will stand strong and oppose the bonding bill unless those three conditions are met! We must have the entire Surplus refunded, massive tax cuts, and no gun control! If the Democrats will not accept those terms then there should be no bonding bill! Pressure your Legislators today, this could be our last shot!
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