In 2022, Republicans were expected to win big across the nation. In Minnesota, pundits predicted that the MNGOP would break its nearly two-decade long losing streak statewide. As you may know, that is far from what happened on election night. While many were puzzled by the Repubican losses, the latest round of campaign finance reports show all we need to know.
The Republican Party of Minnesota has been wrought with incompetence for a long time now, going as far as stabbing pro-life Republicans in the back last year. This, among other things, probably explains the GOP’s abysmal fundraising haul.
The February 1st Campaign Finance Board reports show that the MNGOP brought in a measly $1.3 million, and the DFL brought in $24 million. On top of that, the far-left Alliance for a Better Minnesota spent a whopping $18 million on leftist candidates across the state.
In terms of funding alone, conservatives got crushed. This combined with the poor messaging on abortion explains why Republicans saw a poor showing last November.
Let it be known that Minnesota is not a blue state. Even DFL chair Ken Martin acknowledges that it is a purple state. But without a competent Republican Party or solid stream of campaign funding, Democrats could keep winning.
That is why grassroots conservatives need to step up their game. If we come together, we can be a serious threat for the Left come November 2024.
Conservative groups like Action 4 Liberty are not funded by elitist billionaires like the Alliance for a Better Minnesota. We are funded by everyday people like you. If you want elitist politicians held accountable, consider giving generously today.
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