The corruption that has infected the MNGOP grows by the day and the establishment is getting even bolder with their tactics. The grassroots continue to be shut out from the very process that should be controlled and maintained by the grassroots. Elitists in the MNGOP have decided to pursue an agenda that targets and attacks common Patriots who fight RINOs.
Among the fighters against tyranny is Mille Lacs County BPOU Chair Larry Doose who experienced corruption firsthand today (5/16/24) at the MNGOP State Central Committee (SCC) Convention. Larry is a delegate for the SCC and was elected by his BPOU to fight for their conservative interests.
Larry Doose became a central figure during the party’s previous SCC Convention with his attempt to remove RINO David Hann as party Chair. Despite presenting hard-hitting facts with a calm and reasoned demeanor, he was attacked with lies and misrepresentations by Hann and company. His participation in a room rental for a “Rebuild the MNGOP” discussion area led to a corrupt Sergeant at Arms closing and blocking the hallway door that led to this room. Unlike the state party, this group paid for the use of the facility and does not have any outstanding debt.
Doose began to take matters into his own hands after he felt was defamed and illegally entrapped due to the Sgt. at Arms blockage so he sued David Hann. This does not play well into David Hann’s North Korea-esque ideals for uniformity in the party. The fact that a grassroots Patriot took it upon himself to file this lawsuit showed the party “leadership” that Larry Doose was never going to back down from his convictions.
Which led to the events of today where Larry Doose was thrown out of the State Central Committee, of which he is a duly elected delegate. To make matters worse, the rule in which they used to throw him out could not have been enforced because the rules had not passed in the meeting at that point! You should be seeing a pattern to the scam the RINOs play!
Tom Emmer puppet/MNGOP lackey Anna Mathews was at the credentialing table when Doose approached to register his guest. Doose was already credentialed himself, as the credentials can be seen on Larry in the article picture. As we are informed, Mathews demanded Doose and his guest stand off to the side with a Sgt. at Arms. After over an hour of time wasted, sources say the following took place: Mathews informed Doose that he would not be allowed on the floor because he was “suing the party”. Larry informed Anna that he was not suing the party, he was suing David Hann personally. Anna suggested that because he is Chair, it is connected to the party. Doose responded by saying “He could be a member of the golf club down the road but the lawsuit doesn’t have anything to do with them!” Attendees say that David Hann falsely told the body that Doose was suing the party.
At this point, Doose was told he would not be allowed on the floor and had to leave the building. He was never refunded his money, nevertheless given the seat that he was duly-elected to. This is proof that even when someone does everything right, goes through the process, becomes a delegate, attends the meetings, and voices their concerns, the Establishment will still rig the game against you.
The State Central meeting is only the first day for the MNGOP mess this weekend and the party elitists already screwed over the grassroots before the meeting even started. The Swamp will target any Patriot who challenges the status quo and tries to save our state. The Establishment, RINO Republicans have lost every single statewide election since 2006. David Hann and other RINOs do not have the answers, in fact, they are just as guilty as the Democrats for the downfall of MN. Hann told delegates that the party identified 200K Republicans that didn't vote in the last election and he didn't know why. Maybe it is because the party ATTACKS their own base and refuses to fight for them! Will delegates fight to change the party from within? Tomorrow is another day…
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