Establishment Rep. Destroyed in Endorsing Convention

On Friday March 15th, career politician Brian Johnson was soundly defeated for the 28A GOP Endorsement. Brian Johnson has been a Representative for the past 12 years.

In a major upset, Johnson was crushed on the first ballot by Isanti Mayor Jimmy Gordon. Gordon won with a demanding 80% of the delegates’ votes. This by far surpassed the 60% threshold necessary for a party endorsement. 28A is a solid red district and cannot fall into the hands of the Democrats. Gordon is also a business owner and a volunteer firefighter.

Mayor Jimmy has pledged to defend our Second Amendment Right and supports election integrity, parental rights, term limits, and life at conception to natural death. Brian Johnson has a 60% lifetime score on our scorecards and got only 58% as recently as 2022.

Gordon’s victory over Brian Johnson is a persistent and nagging problem for the establishment; Conservative voters are fed up with the same old, same old do nothing politicians who do not fight for freedom. Minnesotans know that our state is crumbling and change is needed.

Voters across our state should continue to participate in Minnesota’s delegate process and attend endorsing conventions. Being a delegate is the strongest civic power a single individual can wield and it is well worth your time to participate in electing individuals who truly represent YOUR interests.

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  • brian loeffler
    followed this page 2024-03-23 13:16:26 -0500
  • Action 4 Liberty
    published this page in News 2024-03-16 10:10:59 -0500