Far Left, Radical MN Dem Chairman Announces Run for DNC Chair

Minnesota has become a blueprint for socialists and radical leftists around our nation due to the insane policies they pushed through narrow legislative majorities. With only a 6 person House majority and 1 person Senate majority, Democrats were able to check off nearly every item of their big government, anti-freedom agenda. Even the so-called “moderate” Democrats fell in line to spend your surplus, raise your taxes, lock you down, mandate experimental shots, put tampons in boy’s bathrooms, mutilate children, and pass any and all unconstitutional Democrat omnibus bills that came their way.

Minnesota’s politics are sometimes overlooked nationally but many have come to notice the lengths that Democrats are willing to go through to see their agenda passed through. Tim Walz’ nomination as Kamala Harris’ VP allowed the nation to learn what we have been stuck living with. Because Walz is the Chair of the Democrat Governors Association and Peggy Flanagan is Chair of the Democrat Lt. Governors Association, we could look to the Executive and the Legislature for blame but there is another individual who has led Minnesota into our destruction like no one else.

Ken Martin is the current Chair of the Minnesota Democrat Party and has held that role since 2010 and has held the role for the last 14 years. Ken Martin is the Chair of the Association of State Democratic Chairs (ASDC) and he has led and created the machine that has held total control over Minnesota for years. As a three term Chair of the ASDC, Martin provides the electoral and legislative blueprints to apply in other states. During Martin’s reign as Chair, Democrats have not lost a single statewide election in MN.

Today (11/19/24) Ken Martin has announced that he will be running for Chair of the Democratic National Committee (DNC). Incumbent Jaime Harrison is not seeking reelection. See his video announcing this here.

It is important to be aware of who your competitors are, what they are capable of, and how to defeat them. Ken Martin is no slouch, he has continually been reelected to his post because he has handed power to the far left again and again. He has proven that he has a massive ability to fundraise (compare the MN Dems to MNGOP) and has kept party infighting to a minimum. Martin was also a KEY player to install Walz as VP. Martin is well-connected with other DNC delegates across the nation and was instrumental in getting party insiders to back Walz over another candidate like Josh Shapiro. We reported on Martin and other MN Dems looking to install Walz as VP two days before Biden had even dropped out!

While most conservatives view Ken Martin as an enemy of freedom who has destroyed our state, current MNGOP Chair RINO David Hann told the Duluth News Tribune “In my party, sometimes I get criticized for consorting with the enemy. And they say ‘enemy’. I say, ‘Wait a minute. I never refer to Ken Martin or the (Democrats) as our enemy. They’re not our enemy. They’re our political opponents.” He goes on to say that Republicans need to find common ground with Dems, however Hann has much more in common with the Democrat’s agenda than grassroots conservatives do.

RINO David Hann appears on podcasts with Ken Martin and is even a co-sponsor with Martin for a campaign for “civility” so Republicans can be polite while the Dems screw us over. Ken Martin could not ask for opposition to be any weaker, softer, or willing to cave than David Hann. 

In the meantime, the MNGOP State Central Committee will determine leadership for three positions: Chair, Deputy Chair, and Secretary. Below you will see the candidates listed as of this article’s publishing:

The DNC Chair position, or even simply running for it, is a MASSIVE launchpad that Martin will use to benefit corrupt politicians like Tim Walz and Antifa Keith Ellison. Interestingly, Ellison is no stranger to the DNC as he was once a candidate for the same office that Martin is now seeking. In 2017 after Trump took the White House, then DNC Chair Donna Brazille did not seek reelection and a host of candidates emerged for the post including then Congressman Antifa Keith Ellison, Obama Sec. of Labor Tom Perez, Jehmu Greene, and a few people who were largely unknown to people: Pete Buttigieg and Jaime Harrison. 

Perez ultimately won and named Ellison as Deputy Chair. Once Buttigieg and Harrison got connected with DNC Elites and proved themselves to be loyal puppets they were rewarded. Buttigieg got national attention and was treated like a legitimate Presidential candidate in 2020 despite being only a small city Mayor (then Sec. of Transportation) and Harrison was flooded with cash against Lindsey Graham (most expensive Senate race in history at the time) and went on to become the successor to Perez as DNC Chair. CNN held a debate with the DNC Chair candidates in 2017 which can be viewed in full below:

The only other candidate to announce so far is former Maryland Governor and current Commissioner of Social Security, Martin O’Malley. O’Malley was a failed 2016 Presidential candidate who failed to gain any momentum against Hillary and Bernie in the primary. He was also the Mayor of Baltimore from 1999 to 2007 and has proven to be another uninspiring empty suit. O'Malley announced his run yesterday (Monday, 11/18/24). Rumored names for DNC Chair include former Chicago Mayor and Obama puppet Rahm Emanuel (who has expressed interest) and Wisconsin Democrat Party Chair Ben Wikler. Perhaps they will point out how Martin lost ground in the 2024 Presidential race despite Tim Walz being on the ballot in his own state. Socialist AOC has already attacked Rahm Emanuel as a disease who only listens to the donor class and the American Prospect is exposing stock trades he made while Ambassador to Japan under Biden. We may see a heated battle going forward!

Action 4 Liberty will follow this race and the details surrounding. Unlike David Hann, we recognize threats and enemies as they are. If Ken Martin is elected DNC Chair we are going to see the Democrats continue to go further and further left. Minnesota is the blueprint for other radical Democrats and it is all thanks to Democrat Chair Ken Martin.

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  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2024-11-19 17:09:52 -0600