From COVID Lockdowns to a Deteriorating Economy, Depression Rates Continue to Climb

Depression rates in the United States continue to climb to historic rates, according to a poll released by Gallup this week. Almost a third of respondents say they've battled with depression at some point in their life. The number is up 10 points since 2015.

Gallup surveyed 5,167 adults across the United States. Survey participants were asked, "Has a doctor or nurse ever told you that you have depression?” and “Do you currently have or are you currently being treated for depression?” 29 percent of respondents in the affirmative to the first question. When it comes to currently being treated for depression, 17.8 percent of respondents said they are currently depressed.

As most people are aware, COVID era, politician induced lockdowns led to a big jump in depression, which is shown in the Gallup poll. However, the trend has continued beyond COVID lockdowns, leading many of us to believe that the deteriorating economic conditions today are a major contributor.

Here's the chart:

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  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2023-05-17 13:23:21 -0500