Give It Back


The state of Minnesota overtaxes us by $5.3 BILLION. This is YOUR money and should be returned immediately before greedy politicians in the St Paul Swamp spend it again. GIVE IT BACK!

To the Governor of Minnesota and legislators:

WHEREAS, the state of Minnesota has overcollected taxes, exceeding current biennium spending by $5.3 Billion;

WHEREAS, the bulk of that money is sitting in a historically high reserve account for future government spending and not being used in the private sector to grow our state economy and create jobs;

WHEREAS, there are 2.5 million taxpayers in Minnesota which would greatly benefit to have more money for their families;

Therefore, be it resolved, We the Taxpayers of Minnesota demand you pass a tax refund immediately for the whole surplus to be returned to us, and;

Be it further resolved, we the people of Minnesota demand a recorded roll call vote on the tax refund bill and any procedural motions related to it.

Who's signing

David Guhl
David Johnson
Marty Murphy
Kim Anderson
Susan Murphy
Geralyn Caple
Jeanne Jellison
Bettie Holscher
Larry Klocke
Debra Thorson
Jacqueline Magnuson
John hoverson
Cassondra OReilly
Cindy Winn
Fred Sasse
Krisanda Corelli
Tom Jestus Sr
Mike Jensen
Rhonda Jensson
Tim Riley
Larry Carlson
Julie Palm
Aaron Asleson
John Clark
Sheri Peterson
Nancy Rowland
Anmarie Jorgenson
Heidi Grant
Keith Barnes
Bethany Hoffman

Will you sign?

  • David Guhl
    signed 2023-03-11 15:33:44 -0600
  • David Johnson
    signed 2023-03-09 19:50:57 -0600
  • Marty Murphy
    signed via 2023-03-09 13:57:37 -0600
  • Kim Anderson
    signed 2023-03-09 09:46:23 -0600
  • Susan Murphy
    signed 2023-03-09 08:20:14 -0600
    Quit turning your back on the hard working people of Minnesota. Time to stop over taxation in this state. Return the surplus! Very obvious power corrupts.
  • Geralyn Caple
    signed 2023-03-09 07:47:59 -0600
  • Jeanne Jellison
    signed 2023-03-09 06:03:15 -0600
  • Bettie Holscher
    signed 2023-03-08 20:43:04 -0600
    Stop charging the people of Minnesota such a high tax rate that you have a surplus to spend on junk we do not need. Give it back to the people, we need it badly to pay our bills and support our families.
  • Larry Klocke
    signed 2023-03-08 19:09:12 -0600
    Give me back my money and keep your filthy hands off of my gun rights
  • Debra Thorson
    signed 2023-03-08 13:32:13 -0600
  • Jacqueline Magnuson
    signed 2023-03-08 11:10:43 -0600
  • John hoverson
    signed 2023-03-08 09:35:33 -0600
  • Cassondra OReilly
    signed 2023-03-07 13:07:59 -0600
  • Cindy Winn
    signed 2023-03-06 16:16:22 -0600
  • Fred Sasse
    signed 2023-03-04 17:49:12 -0600
  • Krisanda Corelli
    signed 2023-03-04 17:17:49 -0600
  • Tom Jestus Sr
    signed 2023-03-04 15:46:43 -0600
  • Mike Jensen
    signed 2023-03-04 09:29:25 -0600
  • Rhonda Jensson
    signed 2023-03-03 13:25:38 -0600
    Give this money back to the taxpayers—and only the taxpayers—not an across the board welfare “covid stimulus” for every Minnesotan. You over collected, which means we are overtaxed. It’s our money and we should be able to decide how it is spent. If you want to spend it on something that will benefit all of Minnesota long term, such as viable infrastructure, etc…, then put it to the voters in a referendum. It is OUR money. If the voters say no, then Give It Back. To do otherwise is nothing less than theft. Spending it on more welfare programs only benefits a small portion of the population and is extremely short term, and short-sighted. They are an endless money pit. If you keep increasing the number of welfare programs, then you keep increasing the amount of money needed to keep those programs funded in perpetuity as more and more people become dependent on them. But then, dependent people are easier to control…aren’t they? I have no problem helping those who are truly in need such as the old, the young, the disabled, and the poor working families who have jobs but still have trouble making ends meet. Especially now, in this era of ridiculous inflation where it’s all some working parents can do to pay rent, heat their homes, and feed their kids. I think we all know who we can thank for that—but I digress. However, STOP incentivizing able bodied people, who have gotten too lazy to get off the couch, with taxpayer funded “covid relief checks” or whatever you want to call them. How long do we keep paying for that and how long do we keep these able-bodied people from becoming productive members of society? Stop treating them like victims and some of them might stop behaving like victims. There are good jobs available. There are job training programs and 2-year trade schools that will educate and train people into good, skilled, high-paying jobs. Jobs that pay more money and bring more pride than sitting on the couch waiting for the next “covid check” ever will. That’s a spending program I can support—helping someone to stand on their own—-not paying someone to sit at home and binge-watch Netflix.
    I also don’t like my money going to fund your radical abortion bills, genital mutilation of minors, planned parenthood, CRT, gun control measures, etc…. This is NOT your money, it is ours. You work for us, not the other way around. Knock off the shenanigans and remember your oaths to uphold the Constitution and serve the constituents.
  • Tim Riley
    signed 2023-03-03 11:09:31 -0600
  • Larry Carlson
    signed 2023-03-03 04:59:49 -0600
  • Julie Palm
    signed 2023-03-02 16:23:20 -0600
  • Aaron Asleson
    signed via 2023-03-02 07:38:06 -0600
    I agree that the surplus should be given back to the people. I also think that it should be given back to the people that paid into it and not just a flat rebate for all. A flat rebate for all is just another way to redistribute funds to those who didn’t contribute in the first place.
  • John Clark
    signed 2023-03-02 07:16:08 -0600
  • Sheri Peterson
    signed 2023-03-01 22:24:38 -0600
  • Nancy Rowland
    signed 2023-03-01 20:56:39 -0600
  • Anmarie Jorgenson
    signed 2023-03-01 20:49:05 -0600
  • Heidi Grant
    signed 2023-03-01 20:02:08 -0600
  • Keith Barnes
    signed 2023-02-28 17:24:12 -0600
  • Bethany Hoffman
    signed 2023-02-28 13:43:34 -0600