House Speaker Hortman Implements Biden Mandate for House Staff; Legislators Exempt

House Speaker Melissa Hortman has decided to implement the illegal and unconstitutional Biden vaccine mandate for the Minnesota House staff. According to her memo, all employees and interns must "become fully vaccinate and provide documentation of vaccination status by February 9, 2022 OR provide the results of weekly negative testing by February 9th". 

For the Party that constantly says "follow the science", what's the logic in providing negative testing only for those unvaccinated? Vaccinated individuals get and spread COVID just as much as the unvaccinated community. 

More importantly, elected legislators are exempt from this policy. Requiring a duly elected official to get an experimental jab would certainly be a legal juggernaut for Hortman and her fellow COVID cultists, but if this is about science, then why aren't they included in this policy? It's wrong to mandate people get an experimental jab - and this policy by the authoritarians will soon be coming to all of us in Minnesota.

Action 4 Liberty fighting back against these anti-liberty politicians. If you want to Stop Vaccine Mandates in Minnesota, attending your precinct caucus is the most powerful way to get immediate results. 


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  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2022-01-11 13:47:02 -0600