Huge First Day for Our Dump Walz Booth at the State Fair

We scored some HUGE points today!

The State Fair is off to a booming success. Our booth has been a major hit. There's buzz all around fairgrounds about it.  In fact, the lines are even bigger than last year. 

All day we had thousands of people coming up to the booth, spinning the wheel, giving us a big thumbs up and signing our Never Again and Give it Back petitions.

We're building a MASSIVE movement to take back our state.

And the people could not be more fired up to Dump Walz. 

Meanwhile, down the street from us, Tim Walz' tiny booth wasn't getting much action...

The State Fair acts as an early gauge of where things stand in the November election. That must be scaring the crap out of the Radical Left. They resort to lies and propaganda to win elections. We just go out there and tell the cold, hard truth.

That's why people love us!

You wouldn't believe how much we gave away today in merchandise. Boxes and boxes of stuff by the time I left. And there's still a couple hours of fair time left today. We've been planning this booth for months, but in our wildest imagination, couldn't believe how many people we'd get. 

At our current rate, we're going to be running out of "Walz Failed" hats by this weekend.


This could not be going any better! I'm thrilled for the next 11 days.

Our message is getting out to hundreds of thousands of voters a day. And by the time the fair is over, well over a million people will see our popular "Dump Walz" booth.

At our booth, voters are being reminded of Tim Walz' anti-liberty lockdowns, COVID mandates, failure to stop crime and how he is holding onto our $12 Billion of surplus money.

We have an incredibly important message to tell.

And a very, very receptive audience.

But we'll need to order more merchandise and hire more staffers so we can meet this HUGE demand. I desperately need your help. 

Help us CRUSH TIM WALZ at the State Fair!



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  • Jake Duesenberg
    published this page in News 2022-08-25 19:20:23 -0500