Minnesota currently sits with a 67-66 GOP Majority in the state House following a court order that ruled HD40B election winner, Democrat Curtis Johnson, did not meet residence requirements and the seat is therefore vacated. Read our previous reporting on how House Republicans can leverage this opportunity to expand their Majority by rejecting the election certificate of radical leftist Brad Tabke because 21 ballots were thrown away in his race decided by 15 votes.
In order for a candidate to be eligible to hold office as a member of the Minnesota House of Representatives, legal residency must be established in the district in which the candidate is running for at least 6 months prior to the election.
Curtis Johnson ran as the Democrat candidate for Minnesota House District 40B against Republican candidate, Paul Wikstrom. One has to wonder how was Curtis Johnson’s name able to even be printed on the ballot for the November 5th general election when his residency was not established at the time of filing.
Following Johnson’s win, Wikstrom contested the election citing Johnson’s ineligibility based on the residency requirement. On December 20th, District Court Judge Leonardo Castro ruled that Johnson did not meet residence requirements and ordered the seat to be filled according to law (special election). See court order below:
Johnson had until the first day of session, January 14, to appeal this ruling to the state Supreme Court, but in an unorthodox move, Johnson wrote a formal letter to Governor Walz on December 27, making “the difficult decision not to accept my seat in the Minnesota House of Representatives and to resign from the Office of State Representative effective immediately and irrevocably.” Johnson cannot resign from a position he does not hold! He has not even taken the oath of office or held the seat yet! See Johnson's letter to Walz below:
As if the awkwardly crafted resignation by Johnson wasn’t strange enough, Walz took a bold move of his own by falsely interpreting the MN Statute 204D.19, Subd. 4 on special elections. Walz announced a special election for the 40B seat to be held January 28, with a primary election if necessary on January 14. He further required nomination petitions and affidavits of candidacy must be filed with the Ramsey County auditor or the Secretary of State by 5:00 p.m. December 31st. Considering that nominating petitions require 500 signatures for Independent or Minor Party candidates to be placed on the ballot, this gives almost no time for those candidates to get on the ballot, which may be a violation of law.
State statute clearly states in subdivision 4 of the 204D.19 that the governor shall call the special election to be held 22 days after the first day of session, which puts the special election in February - not January 28 as arbitrarily determined by Tyrant Walz. He is clearly manipulating this situation and NOT abiding by the law in order to prevent the GOP from taking a Majority and the Speakership in the House.
Anti-lockdown attorney and former Judge candidate, Nathan Hansen, posted on X a great reply to GOP House Leader Lisa Demuth's questions on special election laws. See below:
It appears Simon and Walz will illegitamately use Subd. 3 instead of Subd. 4 in the above statute despite the obvious rationale behind using Subd. 4.
Constituents in Minnesota’s House District 40B dodged a bullet with Wikstrom’s legal contest surrounding the residence eligibility of Curtis Johnson considering that Johnson is a climate change cultist and an outspoken supporter of the woke LGBTQ+ agenda, 40B residents now hold the opportunity to circle the wagons around a conservative candidate and help tip the Minnesota House into a larger Republican majority.
Below you will see the list of candidates for the HD40B and SD60 special elections:
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