The MNGOP is meant to be a vehicle for conservative citizens to step up into a leadership role to represent We The People and protect our Constitutional Rights. However, they become further and further away from that mission when delegates are disenfranchised and endorsing conventions are faked.
The 57A race is contested by RINO incumbent Rep. Jon Koznick and an outsider Patriot named Rick Stidger. 57A encompasses land in two BPOUs: SD57 and Scott County. In the situation where a district has two BPOUs in it that are in the same Congressional District, the Republican Party of Minnesota Constitution (Article V, Section 3, F.2.) states that the authority to call an endorsing convention is with the Congressional District 2 Executive Committee. See below:
As CD2’s Executive Committee is vested with the authority to call this convention, they met on 2/23/24 and reached an agreement (with a second and an affirmative vote) to set the date for the 57A endorsing convention for 3/16/24. According to sources, SD57 and Scott County were in conflict before this and CD2 was meant to be a neutral arbiter in the matter. CD2 Chair Joe Ditto then issued the call on 2/25/24.
On 2/27/24, the convention call was presented to delegates at the precinct caucuses in the two caucus locations for 57A. However, corrupt individuals began circulating an illegitimate convention call for 3/9/24, one week before the REAL convention! Additionally, several precincts did not receive this call.
Article V, Section 3, F.4 of the MNGOP Constitution does give authority to a “majority of” precinct chairs to “sign a petition requesting an endorsing convention and specifying the convener.” However, the call had already gone out by CD2 and delegates were notified of it on caucus date. Their suspected goal of nullifying the legitimate convention is an attempt to confuse, disenfranchise, and rig the endorsement of their State Rep race.
To win a GOP endorsement, a candidate must receive 60% of the voting delegates at an endorsing convention. In MN, endorsed Republican candidates usually win the August primary and go on to face the Democrats (and others) in the November election. The stakes are pretty high here and some will do ANYTHING to remain in power.
Koznick is now claiming that he won the endorsement for 57A by attending a fake convention that was designed to shut out conservative delegates and candidates like Rick Stidger. To make matters worse, the House Republican Campaign Committee (HRCC) tweeted out support for Koznick’s “win”. See below:
This could be a big issue for Koznick and the HRCC because MN State Statute 211B.02 says a person or candidates “may not knowingly make, directly or indirectly, a false claim stating or implying that a candidate or ballot question has the support or endorsement of a major political party.” See below:
Dale Even, Chair of Scott County GOP, attended the fake endorsing convention on 3/9/24 to relay the message that the meeting was illegitimate, did not abide by MNGOP rules, and violated state statute.
If Rick Stidger wins this Saturday (3/16/24) during the legitimate convention for the endorsement, he should be awarded the endorsement and all associated benefits. The MNGOP State Executive Committee will be addressing this subject during tonight’s meeting (3/12/24). A4L will continue to provide updates and cutting edge analysis on the political corruption other news outlets are too afraid to cover.
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