Legislators Want to Create Islamaphobia Task Force

Three Democrat legislators introduced a bill (HF 2587) in the Minnesota House that would create a task force on islamaphobia and antisemitism. According to the bill it would be establish "a task force on the consequences of islamophobia and antisemitism [...] to analyze the impact of islamophobia and antisemitism, recommend actions to improve the safety of Minnesota's Muslim and Jewish communities, increase participation by the Muslim and Jewish communities in civic life, and recommend possible legislative action."

Membership of the task force would include the Attorney General, the Hennepin Co sheriff, the executive director of CAIR, the executive director of ISAIAH, a muslim state representative and a jewish state senator, amongst its long list of members.

The bill appropriates money for the task force, but as of the publication of this article, the dollar amount is not disclosed.

Action 4 Liberty opposes using taxpayer money for task forces, especially ones that seek to cater to a particular political agenda. 


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