Legislature Adjourns at Midnight Passing Only One Budget Bill

The Minnesota Legislature adjourned last night sine die (latin for without another day) for the 2019 Legislative Session. At this point, they aren't scheduled to meet again until February of next year. So far, only one budget bill has passed: the Higher Education Omnibus bill.

To avoid a government shutdown in every government area outside of higher education, the Governor needs to call a Special Session before July 1st. The Legislative leaders came to a budget agreementwith the Governor on Sunday night, so it appears a special session will occur within the next couple weeks.

In the final half hour of the session last night, before the Constitutionally mandated midnight adjournment, the Republican Senate rammed through the Agriculture, Rural Development and Housing Finance Omnibus bill that no legislator had a chance to read. The bill passed with only 17 votes against it. However, that bill was killed on the House floor by Republicans who argued no one had a chance to go through the 110 page bill.

Stay tuned to Action 4 Liberty for up-to-date news about the 2019 Special Session.


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