Democrats use the levers of power to accomplish whatever means they deem necessary at the given time. Democrats do not guide their votes based on a principled analysis of the proper role of government, Constitutionality, or even the common sense that indicates what will result from legislation. For Democrats, it is all about expanding their power, growing the government, and falling in lockstep with the agenda and grift of the day. Too often, Republicans act just like the Dems, and choose “decency” over fighting to save our state.
That changed on Sunday. When Democrats looked at the calendar and realized just how little time they had to pass their bucket list of BS, they did what any corrupt politician would do; stuff the bills into one GIANT 2,800 page Omnibus bill (that initially started as the tax bill). This violates the Single Subject Clause: Article 4, Section 17 of the MN Constitution. This type of eleventh-hour, bureaucratic jimmy-rigged craftsmanship being served to Minnesotans is a slap in the face to our Republic, Constitution, and Freedom.
After an entire session of getting run over, the GOP was fed up, particularly in the Senate. Once the House was bringing over this disaster bill (HF5247), Senator Jeff Howe had the floor and never relinquished it back to Senate President Bobby Joe Champion. This did not stop the Democrats from ram-rodding through votes while many of the GOP Senators yelled “Point of Order”, “You’re silencing the minority party”, “What are we voting on?”, “This is illegal”, “Follow the rules”, “This is unacceptable”, and “USA” for 25 minutes. This expression of chaos was perhaps the first time we’ve seen Republican politicians actually fight the swamp in a meaningful way in Minnesota. Champion refused to recognize any Republicans and ushered this illegal bill through the Senate while the yelling continued.
Senator Bill Lieske asked Champion what it felt like to be the dictator of Minnesota and Senator Nathan Wesenberg yelled at Champion “Sine Die” which is the highest motion to make for adjournment which MUST be recognized. Wesenberg also yelled that the Senate’s blind member, Torrey Westrom, did not have the ability to know what they were voting on or even when they were voting. In addition, no member had the ability to read the bill since it was not publicly available in any capacity so it was not just Senator Westrom who did not know what they were passing. It is incredible that Democrats will pass along a bill that they have not read and that they know addresses multiple subjects. It is especially incredible when you consider the corrupt circumstances of the events.
Among those multiple subjects includes gun control, insurance mandated transgender surgeries for minors, tax increases, green new deal BS, and all kinds of other trash. The corrupt Democrats have shown that they cannot be trusted with power. It should be noted that the Senate has 33 GOP - 34 Dem and that burglar Nicole Mitchell is the swing vote for the Democrat control! Democrats have a soon to be felon helping them tighten up criminal law! What a joke!
This bill must be fought in court because it is flagrantly unconstitutional. Senator Wesenberg stated on The Truth Hurts that he plans to file an Ethics Complaint against Bobby Joe Champion for his conduct on the Senate floor and refusal to recognize duly elected Senators making motions in line with the rules. Bobby Joe Champion should be removed as Senate President for forcing this bill through and for his coverup on the Nicole Mitchell Ethics committee Executive audio. Patriots must stick together because the Democrats are exposed as cheats and liars. 2024 may bring some great results!
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