Here's the list of businesses who are already open or will be open by this Friday as part of the ReOpen MN Coalition and are willing to have their names public. If you don't see your favorite bar or restaurant on the list, call them up and ask if they are joining the effort to open up in defiance of Governor Walz' illegal order.
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On top of that, the dishonest go-fund-mes are being shut down as they are being reported as an attempt to fund these places’ illicit acts:
The ReOpen Minnesota fund is not even at a third of its goal. And this ONE bar is going to suck up all that has been raised – and then some.
As Colonel Trautman said to Rambo: “It’s over, Johnny.”
As I had said before: You’re NOT going to win this one. There are too many rationale people out there that won’t be fooled by internet memes and unfounded conspiracy theories. Please, for the sake of the other people you claim to support: Stand down!
Besides, things are opening up – as I knew they would in due time:
Patience. We WILL get back to the way things were – in due time. If you wish to still support the others on this list help pay their bills – or get takeout and safely go when it’s time as often as you can.
Let’s do this the RIGHT way. Don’t allow Darius Teichroew and Jake Duesenberg to dupe other business owners into suffering the same fate as Alibi..
EVEN IF we accept they were “off by a factor of at least ten,” the main point (which you ignored) is: The actual numbers being so much lower than expected can stand as a testament to the success of the on-going mitigation measures.
Speaking of “nice try,” nice try attempting to flip my question back on me. I for one don’t allow conspiracy theorists to hide behind that game. Answer my question: How many deaths would you consider to be “acceptable losses” for you to have a burger and beer at a restaurant during a pandemic?
What would I approve of if it saves just one life..and can I imagine one example? Yes. The current Minnesota measures for mitigation of covid spread. There you go. I wish they did the same in all states.
So, with only 5300 deaths thus far, it could be seen as a good thing that Minnesota DID enact safety measures – as many tens of thousands of lives have been saved.
But, to be fair, it was not the estimate of what they expected ‘by now,’ it is the number they were expecting for the entire length of the pandemic. So the final comparison is still pending.
All aside let’s note that Heather is right: One death is one too many.
Which brings me to a question that may seem provoking, but I would like an honest answer from the “freedom fighters” on this thread: How many deaths would you consider to be “acceptable losses” for you to have a burger and beer at a restaurant during a pandemic?
Any number of deaths are too many. It shouldn’t matter to people if we have 5,000 or 50,000 in the state. We need to be responsible and wear masks and avoid people outside of our household. If you want to support small businesses – great! Order take out or gift cards, and support the restaurants who are doing right by their employees and clientele.
You’re welcome to have any opinion you want. But you’re NOT welcome to just make up your own FACTS and pass them along as self-evident. It’s as lazy as it is irresponsible.
It’s like trying to compare traffic deaths from one year with low cases of bad weather with another with a rash of bad weather days. Do you really suggests the ones that died driving in a blizzard would have died anyways? Really?? SMH..
South Dakota: 107 deaths per capita
Sweden: 67 deaths per capita
Minnesota: 65 deaths per capita
Stop taking your info off anti-mask blogs and facebook pages.
J Bird is not a real name, you’re an actor.
Stop living in fear, being a coward, and encouraging others to do the same. It’s not healthy.
Appreciate the compliment, tho. You might not realize, but calling me a ‘plant’ or ‘shill’ is telling me I’m hitting pretty close to the mark to get a reaction like yours.
I do understand one has to work to make money. But, as this is a free country, these business owners are not bound to their current business model. They don’t HAVE to open their businesses as they exist now in an unsafe manner. They could re-invent themselves, think outside the box as many others have.
To the suggestion that I am some kind of “plant,” or a “democrat” trying to get rid of the middle class: I thought it was republicans who screwed the middle class??!
I don’t need a dictionary to know that, in the bylaws of your state, it is legal and appropriate to grant the governor emergency powers to enact mandates. And before you parrot the rehearsed comeback of “It’s not a law:” It has the force of law. So for this, it can be argued that it is – or at least it might as well be. It’s legal, enforceable and can result in punishment for those that violate it.
Speaking of which, there are at least two businesses that are getting sued and getting their licenses pulled. They may still be open, thinking they’re winning, but the victory is an illusion. They will be shut down. They will be held accountable for putting people at unnecessary risk. So, sorry, but you’re not going to win this one. How many more of these businesspeople are you willing to put into hot water to satisfy your need be part of some faux “revolution?”
About the 99.9% ‘recovery’ rate: That speaks to the SURVIAL rate. Many who SURVIVE this virus don’t fully recover – and may never fully recover. People has lost LIMBS to this thing.
I know you think this is a patriotic thing – that it’s about freedom. It’s about safety. It’s about keeping each other safe. It’s not about who I “think” I am. It’s about KNOWING this is a real virus. And until it’s brought under control, we all have to do our part. That means some have to make sacrifices. Again, that’s not fair. But life rarely is.
/s /s /s