Local Party Conventions: Victory Goes to Those Who Show Up

With the election of President Trump, it is clear that Americans are thirsty to have their voices heard and represented.  For too long career politicians have called the shots, controlling elections and office holders at all levels of our government.  This includes our local party officers.

If you are a delegate in Minnesota this non-election year, this is your opportunity to have a stake in the game and select who sits on your local BPOU and who runs the MNGOP through being a State Central delegate.

It starts by attending the Republican BPOU conventions held this year between January 15 - March 8.  Convention calls will be announced via e-mail or mail.  The BPOU is your most local party.  The BPOU’s job is to determine party activities, the messaging of the local party and how to support local liberty candidates.

Equally important is the election of the State Central delegates.  These seats are critical to be filled by liberty-minded, grassroots delegates.  

It is at the State Central Conventions where the State Central Committee is responsible for electing the party chair & party officers in addition to determining important party business at the state level.  It was at the State Central Convention this past December where RINO establishment chair, David Hann, was dethroned from his position as Dictator-in-chief of the MNGOP.  If we want to make sure Alex Plechash listens to the voice of the grassroots, it’s important that the grassroots voice is represented.

We need to stop the radical left in Minnesota. We need to continue getting rid of corrupt political party leaders.  And as president of Action 4 Liberty, Erik Mortensen says: Victory goes to those who show up!

Please check your e-mail for a link to activate your account.
  • Rachel Revere
    published this page in News 2025-01-31 11:25:57 -0600