Minneapolis/St Paul Vaccine Mandates a Failure; Restrictions Immediately Lifted

Under a month into the failed agenda of Mayors Jacob Frey and Melvin Carter, they are both abandoning their vaccine mandates of bars and restaurants. The mandates were the first vaccine passports introduced in the state. The reason for Frey and Carter's policy change was done out of political conveniency and not principle, but a victory is a victory nonetheless!

While it is nice to see these Democrats finally change their tune, we cannot forget the pain they caused to our businesses and communities. Restaurant reservations were down by over 60% in Minneapolis once the passports were implemented, proving that they don’t work and that people do not support discrimination.

Greg Urban, owner of Wild Greg’s Saloon in Minneapolis, was pleased to hear the news. Greg told Action 4 Liberty “The mandates and passports make no sense, Frey wasn’t following the numbers or science and was implementing these policies long before others. He was targeting businesses for political gain, a specific industry, in a specific city.”

We at Action 4 Liberty are happy to hear his enthusiasm and look forward to his business BOOMING once again!

These actions only happen when we apply pressure to politicians and refuse to comply. We know the Democrats are scared by the unpopularity of their programs and we are seeing them reverse course nationwide. This means we need to hold their feet even closer to the fire now because we knew all along that they were wrong and their policies will fail.

Our resistance will cause the changes we need to see. Together we can end the Covid tyranny once and for all!


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  • Jill Larsen
    followed this page 2022-02-18 23:12:31 -0600
  • Bradley A Kitzman
    commented 2022-02-15 10:12:12 -0600
    Frey (A Trudeau wanna be) and Carter are just a couple Lackey’s that have been “selected” not “elected” were following orders from the tyrant above. However they feel the heat of the people coming and the whole cabal is now been active I have noticed. Walz is using the drug called money, a classic dem move, giving away our money like it’s his own.
  • Russell Jackson
    commented 2022-02-12 09:20:11 -0600
    I think Mayor’s Frey and Carter need to check with MNSURE to see if an operation to get their heads out of their asses is covered. Take Waltz with you. I cannot believe requiring a passport is not discrimination. But rules for thee and not me.
  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2022-02-10 13:13:20 -0600