MN Democrats Ready to Pass Most Radical Abortion Laws in the Nation

Liberals screaming about abortion in 2022 was more than just political theater and scoring cheap points. Now that the DFL has total control of the Minnesota Government, they are prepared to pass some of the nation’s most anti-baby legislation into law.


HF91 was introduced in the Minnesota House on January 5th, and has a whopping 32 DFL sponsors. If you thought that the DFL was crazy before this bill was introduced, just wait until you see what they have to offer now:


  1. Abortions allowed in hospitals (Line 3.3)
  2. Ends penalties for secretly and carelessly discarding the body of an aborted baby (Line 15.15)
  3. Taxpayer funding of abortion expanded to nearly all instances (Line 9.7 and 11.24)
  4. Removing parental notification requirement for minors (Line 16.8)
  5. Eliminating the word “woman” from state statutes (Line 3.15)
  6. Ending the requirement to report the death of a woman as a result of an abortion (Line 16.8)


This is not hyperbole. This is the most extreme abortion bill that has ever been put in front of the Minnesota legislature. It is also incredibly likely to pass with total DFL dominance in St. Paul. Here are more specifics on each provision of the bill. 



  • Abortions allowed in hospitals



  • Ends penalties for discarding the body of an aborted baby



  • Taxpayer funds for abortion in nearly all instances



  • Removing parental notification for minors




  • Eliminating the word “woman” from state statutes




  • Ending the requirement to report the death of a woman





This legislation is an obscene abuse of human rights, for both the mother and the child. The fact that 32 DFL legislators sponsored this grotesque bill says a lot about the state of their party.


Please contact your legislators through every method possible. Phone calls, emails, letters, and social media posts. Without quick action, the DFL will make Minnesota the abortion mecca of the United States.



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  • Kali MacArthur
    commented 2023-01-20 09:14:26 -0600
    I am so Angry at this Bill! Did the people of this state actually want this radical agenda? This is evil & I did not vote for this! This is the most evil & egregious bill that I have ever seen in my life. Some of these Legislators need to be recalled & I am all in on a recall effort on them. This Bill should definitely be illegal plus, this is murdering innocent Babies. It makes me want to cry . How dare them. The Left has become the Anarcho- Tyrants of this nation! The Left has absolutely no morals & respect for life & they are the most apathetic people that I have ever seen & they do not care about you or any of us, they care only about themselves & their agenda. The DFL in this state have are very selfish! The DFL in this state are the most Disrespectful people that I have ever seen, these individuals behave & act like children, this Legislation is a clown show. The state is already a national embarrassment on a lot of things. We need to make the DFL accountable in this state. Most people should not be for this bill. Most Democrats want a limit on Abortion. They should repent with their decision & have consequences for their actions.
  • William Beck
    published this page in News 2023-01-19 12:20:08 -0600