At a recent press conference, the MN House Republicans floated their list of legislative priorities. “Stop the Fraud, Make MN Affordable, Make MN Safe, Raise Standards/Reduce Mandates, MN Tax Dollars for MN, Build the Future" were among their top picks to jump-start the new session.
But House Republicans missed the mark by failing to pinpoint the TOP priority… THE NEVER AGAIN BILL.
The tyrannical Covid lockdowns by Walz won’t be soon forgotten. Here are just a few of the countless offenses dished out by the Tyrant in Chief:
- Forced small business closures that gutted personal and local economies, while Big Box stores do business as usual and rake in record profits.
- Children locked out of their schools and losing precious time they may never recover.
- Forced masking.
- Forced to take an experimental “jab” or be denied the God-given right to earn a living or attend school.
- Failure to comply resulting in personal attacks, public shaming, accusations of willful injury (even death) inflicted on others.
- Punishment in the form of jail time for a few brave souls who had the spine to stand up to the Walz brand of atrocities.
Freedom fighters are savvy and they refuse to repeat history by falling into the massive pitfalls of the past. They are expecting legislators to have their backs and move on meaty issues like the Never Again bill, School Choice, and Defund Illegal Immigration.
Liberty lovers are rightfully questioning politicians on both sides of the aisle. Republican legislators have a unique opportunity to earn the trust of the grassroots by pushing a vote for the Never Again Bill and planting a HUGE freedom flag that the Patriots could get behind.
Grassroots warriors deserve to see for themselves if it’s solely the Democrats who are blocking the advancement of liberty, or if the Republicans have a hand in it too.
Conservatives are demanding accountability from their legislators, which makes the passing of the Never Again bill the ultimate deliverable.
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