MN Nurses Union Strikes for Higher Pay despite Slogan “Patients before Profits”

If you quit showing up to your job, you’d be fired. If a nurse quits showing up, they demand a pay raise.

The Minnesota Nurses Association has announced that their 15,000 nurses will go on strike and are demanding a 37%-39% increase in their pay. This is despite their slogan “Patients over profits”, as this shows where their true intentions lie. 

The negotiations with the hospitals will also address worker shortages, retention, and Covid/other equipment. The union overwhelmingly supported the strike and double-masked like obedient dogs at their press conference behind their leader Mary Turner. 

The contract between hospitals and the nurses union has been expired since June and the corruption and greed from both sides reveals the issues with unions and collective bargaining. Hospitals, health insurance, and unions all benefit from the confusing, over-priced, and anti-capitalist healthcare model we have in Minnesota.

Additionally, the MN Nurses Association fails to admit that retention and staffing is low because they mandated experimental shots and forced masks on medical professionals who knew better. If the issue is that there are not enough nurses, why would 15,000 of them go on strike?! 

If you thought it was hard to get into the hospital before, just wait for things to get a lot worse. The strike is set to take place at least 10 days after the vote which was yesterday, August 15th 2022. We need to reign in the power of hospitals, insurance, and unions so it can be returned to the people! We should be able to make our own medical decisions with transparent pricing and services. This strike will likely cause unfortunate damage across our state.

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  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2022-08-16 13:36:56 -0500