MNGOP CD2 Chair Calls Out HRCC for Political Malpractice

The House Republican Campaign Committee (HRCC) is a party unit of the MNGOP that has failed to abide by party endorsements in violation of the party Constitution. We recently exposed how the HRCC spent nearly $35K in three GOP primaries for unendorsed, career politician RINOs in deep red districts. The wasted money by the HRCC has set them up to lose this fall in the November elections. Insiders are already saying that the GOP is going to fail to take back the State House. Additionally, there are projections by election observers that suggest that the GOP will lose seats and have a smaller minority!

While we have been sounding the alarm on the establishment/incumbent protection racket known as the HRCC, most party leaders have been absent despite the Constitutional violations and tactical errors. Within the MNGOP, there are three types of “leaders” when dealing with intra-party battles: 1. People who are part of the corruption 2. People who stay quiet about corruption 3. People who call out corruption.

In a world full of lies, saying the truth out loud has become a bold thing. Common sense is not common, especially within the MNGOP. However, MNGOP CD2 Chair Joe Ditto recently took to social media to call out the HRCC for wasting so much money against endorsed candidates while GOP candidates like Gabriela Kroetch in HD55A is being out-fundraised by a margin of 159-1! See post below:

Other MNGOP party leaders must wake up to the failures of the HRCC and call it out in similar fashion. Further, the MNGOP must force the HRCC to either abide by the will of delegates at local endorsing conventions or lose their party unit status! The grassroots are fed up with the HRCC’s swampy influence in their local races. With the HRCC having no money to seriously compete with the Democrats for control of the State House, it is clear the the HRCC lost this election before it’s even happened.

Ask party leaders below to:

  1. Demand the HRCC abides by party endorsements and no longer violated the MNGOP Constitution as a party unit;
  2. Revoke HRCC party unit status if they do not abide.

Chair - David Hann [email protected]

Vice Chair - Donna Bergstrom

Republican National Committeeman - AK Kamara [email protected]

Treasurer - Lee Prinkkila [email protected]

Secretary - Jenna Dicks [email protected]

Finance Chair - Barb Sutter [email protected]

CD1 State Exec - Aaron Farris - [email protected]

CD2 State Exec. - Joe Ditto - [email protected]

CD3 State Exec - Randy Sutter - [email protected]

CD4 State Exec - Mike Casey - [email protected]

CD5 State Exec - Alec Beck - [email protected]

CD6 State Exec - Bobby Benson - [email protected]

CD7 State Exec - Tim Miller - [email protected]

CD8 State Exec - Keri Heintzeman - [email protected]

Feel free to send the following meme to the party leadership as well so it becomes obvious to them that the HRCC has become the enemy from within! See below:

NOTE- As of writing RNC Committeewoman Emily Novotny Chance is interestingly not listed on the MNGOP leadership page but she remains on the RNC’s website


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  • Action 4 Liberty
    published this page in News 2024-09-29 22:07:26 -0500