MNGOP Party Officer Elections: Rigging, Corruption, and Double-Standards

The anti-grassroots “leadership” of the MNGOP, including RINO Chair David Hann, has been a complete failure that has kept Republicans divided by giving preferential treatment and support to the Establishment. The “party of election integrity” is prone to its own manipulation and corruption at various levels. Currently, we look at the Nominations Committee and their attempts to tilt the scale for incumbent RINO David Hann.

The MNGOP State Central Committee will meet on Saturday, Dec. 14th to conduct party business, most notably they will hold elections for Chair, Deputy Chair, and Secretary. The intra-party battles that will ensue at this meeting will have serious consequences for the direction of the party. Will the MNGOP continue to disenfranchise delegates, support unendorsed RINOs, rig endorsing conventions, divide the Republican base, and abandon conservative principles or will State Central delegates chart a new path forward for the MNGOP? That is to be seen.

Our previous reporting highlighted David Hann backstabbing Donna Bergstrom by promising her that he would support her for Deputy Chair, only for him to endorse shady political operative Kip Christianson instead. Out of desperation, Hann struck a deal with Kip so they would not run against each other. In a painfully awkward, cringy, and phony video posted by Kip, he confirms his thoughts about running against Hann but instead chose to form a “unity ticket” with him. This backroom deal led to Walter Hudson dropping out of the Deputy Chair race and immediately endorsing the Hann/Kip ticket.

The number of candidates for each party officer race has dwindled since our previous reporting and the current candidates are as follows:

Chair - David Hann, Alex Plechash, Mike Murphy, and Bret Bussman

Deputy Chair - Donna Bergstrom, Kip Christianson, and Fred Hage

Secretary - Joy Orvis and Erik van Mechelen (Mechelen is proposing a floor fight to allow his nomination, further allowing competition)

Each candidate is required to meet with the Nominations Committee (NomCom) for interviews/background checks which is chaired by establishment puppet Aaron Farris. Farris is additionally the CD1 MNGOP Chair (despite his conflict of interest as a salaried employee of Congressman Brad Finstad) and used his role to kick Patriot Wendy Phillips out of a meeting and remove her from her role as CD1 State Exec. member. This corrupt removal was because Wendy stood up for Otter Tail Patriots who were disenfranchised by RINO David Hann by serving as a neutral party to chair their local convention. Like the puppet he is, Farris followed commands from higher-ups. Is he doing the same now with the NomCom?

Farris and other members of the NomCom appear to be weaponizing the committee by utilizing their power to deem candidates as “Qualified”, “Qualified with Reservations”, or “Unqualified” to target opponents of David Hann. Rumors have been flying around that Chair candidates Mike Murphy and Alex Plechash are set to be deemed “Qualified with Reservations” despite both having previously been deemed “Qualified” by a NomCom for Governor and RNC Committeeman candidacies respectively. Only a corrupt process could find RINO David Hann, the destroyer of the MNGOP, as the only qualified candidate. This corrupt NomCom would probably even find Jesus Christ “Qualified with Reservations”!

Chair candidate Bret Bussman informed delegates via email that about an hour before his scheduled meeting with the NomCom he received a call from Aaron Farris and the MNGOP lawyer cancelling his interview. Bret says they presented a series of false accusations and asked questions which he answered. Bret later appeared on an episode of The Truth Hurts and further clarified what the whole issue was REALLY about. 

In 1984, Bret Bussman failed to return a cable tv box on time! That is the “crime” in question! On the show, Bret discussed the circumstances of the event and the absurdity of this event holding up his interview with the NomCom.

Is the same level of criminal scrutiny being applied to all candidates? Was any other candidate subject to an interview postponement due to previous criminal activity? Has shady Kip Christianson faced the same scrutiny? Including our previous reporting, new allegations have emerged as Amanda Hughes, wife of former CD7 GOP nominee Dave Hughes, posted on Facebook that Kip once tried to bribe Dave and pressure him to drop out. Dave Hughes addressed this story on a previous episode of The Truth Hurts but did not mention Kip by name in the video. Kip allegedly threatened Dave’s employment to cut off federal contracts and asked “How will you feed your 7 children”. This is quite the dispute from Kip’s narrative which portrays his involvement with Hughes as grassroots in order to prop himself up. See post below:

December 10th (date of article's publishing) is the deadline for the NomCom to meet with candidates which gave them a short window for Bussman’s interview and background check paperwork. Assuming rumored information is true about the NomCom, he may not receive a fair shake and would get the “Qualified with Reservations” designation. The NomCom must also make the official determinations for qualification designations by December 10th. Sources tell A4L that Bussman has met with the NomCom.

While rumors have been floating around about what the NomCom is going to do, puppet Aaron Farris is accusing, without evidence, that a “leaker” is sharing information with Action 4 Liberty! As the article’s author, I can say with 100% certainty that I have spoken with zero members of the NomCom, but if I had, why would transparency be such a boogeyman? Why would members need to be secret? What is there to cover up? What information is Aaron nervous that A4L will learn? What if we already know? We’ll let Aaron sweat on it for now! See email below:

Perhaps Aaron is instead referring to the MN Young Republicans who are the real leakers! They sent out an email and CC’d the delegate list instead of a BCC which allowed every recipient to have access to the email list! The MN Young RINOs are the real culprits! Or maybe he was concerned with A4L President Erik Mortensen’s reply to the email, see below:

The strategy of calling candidates “Qualified with Reservations” may blow up in face of the Establishment as seen previously with Royce White’s dominant win over He/Him Joe Fraser at the 2024 State Convention despite the NomCom’s intended negative effects of Royce’s qualification designation. When delegates see party insiders using their power to tilt the scale, it can cause an equal and opposite reaction. In another instance of corruption of a NomCom, the CD6 NomCom found Patriot Chris Corey to be “Unqualified” and refused to allow him to speak at the endorsing convention against Globalist RINO Tom Emmer. Walter Hudson played a pivotal role in this convention by using his political capital to demand delegates enforce the NomCom’s censorship and ensure that Emmer had a coronation instead of competition.

Our exposure of the State Central NomCom will cause one of two things:

  1. The NomCom is exposed as a weaponized block of party insiders to protect David Hann
  2. The NomCom changes course and treats candidates fairly

Three Rivers Park Commissioner Jennifer DeJournett was previously a candidate for Chair but was removed from the nomination petition by Aaron Farris for allegedly challenging the legality of several questions in the nomination paperwork and refusing to answer such questions. As the powers of the NomCom and other bylaws are yet to be approved by the State Central delegation body, Farris and the NomCom had no authority to remove DeJournett’s name from the nomination petition.

It is clear that the MNGOP is in desperate need of new leadership but conservatives may find issues when looking at other candidates. 

Alex Plechash backstabbed Otter Tail delegates in his previous role, was an avid anti-Trumper during the 2024 primary according to local Patriots, helped usher in corrupt Presidential debate rules as RNC Committeeman, fought a Resolution condemning the Trump indictments at a previous State Central (introduced by the article's author), and in private conversation told the article’s author that he regretted his vote as RNC Committeeman to censure RINO Liz Cheney! In an appearance on The Truth Hurts, Plechash claimed he was fooled by Hann and others into screwing Otter Tail over.

Mike Murphy betrayed his Governor campaign supporters in 2022 by becoming an obvious ladder climber with his endorsement of gun grabber Scott Jensen. Murphy then let down the grassroots again by announcing a 2022 MNGOP Chair run just to bail out of the race, leaving only Phil Parrish to challenge David Hann. Murphy also dropped out of a very brief CD2 campaign. Corrupt CD6 Chair and Emmer staffer Bobby Benson used his position on the Lexington City Council to hold a rushed, nontransparent, and unfair appointment of Murphy to the city council. As a delegate, Murphy could be seen at the CD6 Convention opposing all motions to let Chris Corey compete against Emmer or Murphy could be seen at the State Convention voting to approve of the corrupt credentials report that excluded the duly elected delegates of Otter Tail.

Donna Bergstrom used her capacity as Deputy Chair to screw over Otter Tail delegates as well. Patriots cannot be expected to support Donna simply because RINO David Hann backstabbed her. She is getting a taste of what the grassroots has dealt with for years with RINO “leadership”. If she does not correct course and align herself with the grassroots, the grassroots will not support her.

It is clear that the failed MNGOP is dead and in need of revival. Interestingly, Kip Christianson is titling his run and project “Revive the MNGOP”. If something needs to be revived, that means it is dead! Who killed it? Of course we know the answer is David Hann. Revive the MNGOP is simply a rip-off, Temu version of the grassroots organization “Rebuild the MNGOP”. Perhaps imitation is the most sincere form of flattery or Kip is simply trying to appear grassroots. The “Revive the MNGOP” website is a blank page that gives ZERO information! Even Kamala Harris eventually put a platform on her website, are the standards so low in the MNGOP that distrustworthy people can get by on their word?

The State Central convention will determine the direction of the MNGOP and will signal whether or not the establishment RINOs still have control or if the America First base can reclaim their party. A4L will continue to provide Patriots with hard-hitting, truth-telling, pro-freedom reporting that cannot be found anywhere else. 

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  • MAGA Jesse Smith
    published this page in News 2024-12-10 15:38:31 -0600